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检测系统状态 系统的当前状态 get sys performance status Get sys status 检查硬件状态 检查硬件状态——CPU Diagnose hardware sysinfo cpu 检查硬件状态——内存 Diagnose hardware sysinfo memory 检测网络通讯故障 检测和调试进程状态 检测和调试进程状态——Test 以HTTP进程为例 查看内存使用 清除与之相关的会话 显示连接状态 重启进程 其他 Debug report——汇总 Diagnose debug report * Fortigate Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Training v1.1 * Fortigate Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Training v1.1 比图形界面上的东西更多一些: Example: diagnose sys session filter dport 22 22 diagnose sys session filter session filter: dest port: 22-22 * Fortigate Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Training v1.1 proto field table values : because the Fortigate is a statefull firewall, it also keeps the track of the reply session, this is why proto_state has 2 digits : proto_state=OR meaning Original direction and the Reply direction State Value Expire timer(default) NONE 0 60 s ESTABLISHED 1 3600 SYN_SENT 2 120 s SYN SYN/ACK 3 60 s FIN_WAIT 4 120 s (fin/Ack ack done on one side) TIME_WAIT 5 120 s CLOSE 6 10 s CLOSE_WAIT 7 120 s LAST_ACK 8 30 s LISTEN 9 120 s * Fortigate Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Training v1.1 Example : state 0: UDP packet has been seen and session has been created, but no reply packet has been seen so far ? session info: proto=17 proto_state=00 expire=179 timeout=3600 use=3 bandwidth=0/sec guaranteed_bandwidth=0/sec traffic=0/sec prio=0 logtype=session ha_id=0 hakey=42691 tunnel=/ state=local statistic(bytes/packets): org=7685450/17248 reply=237440/4240 tuples=2 orgin-sink: org out-post, reply pre-in oif=0/5 gwy=/50 hook=out dir=org act=noop 50:1025-01:514(:0) hook=in dir=reply act=noop 01:514-50:1025(:0) misc=0 domain_info=0 auth_info=0 cerb_info=0 ids=0 vd=0 serial=0006d655 tos=00/00 ? state 1: UDP packet has been seen and session has been created, reply packet(s) has been seen as well ? sessio


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