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国际组织名称英文翻译 [International Organizations] 阿拉伯国家联盟 League of Arab States [=Arab League] 阿拉伯石油输出国组织 Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries [=OAPEC] 阿拉伯首脑会议 Arab Summit Conference 安第斯共同市场 Andeans Common Market [=ACM]; Andeans Treaty Organization [=ATO] 安第斯集团 Andeans Pact Organization; Andeans Group 安第斯条约组织 Andeans Pact Organization; Andeans Group 澳新美理事会 Australia, New Zealand, United States Treaty Organization Council [=ANZUS] 巴黎统筹委员会 Coordinating Committee [=COCOM] 北大西洋公约组织 North Atlantic Treaty Organization [=NATO] 北欧理事会 Nordic Council 北约 North Atlantic Treaty Organization [=NATO] 波罗的海商业和航运交易所 Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange 不结盟国家和政府首脑会议 Conference of Heads of State and Government of Non-Aligned Countries 不结盟国家会议 Conference of Heads of State and Government of Non-Aligned Countries 布里顿森林协议 Bretton Wood Agreement 东非共同市场 East African Common Market [=EACM] 东非共同体 East African Community [=EAC] 东非和中非国家首脑会议 Conference of Heads of State and Government of East and Central African Countries 东非和中非国家元首和政府首脑会议 Conference of Heads of State and Government of East and Central African Countries 东盟 Association of South East Asian Nations [=ASEAN] 全部: African Development Fund 非洲开发基金 ADF African Groundnut Council 非洲花生理事会 AGC African Liberation Committee 非洲解放委员会 African Postal Union 非洲邮政联盟 AFPU African Postal and Telecommunication Union 非洲邮政电信联盟 APU/ATU African Timber Organization 非洲木材组织 ATO Agency for the Protection of Number weapons in Latin America 拉丁美洲禁止核武器组织 OPANAL American International Chamber of Commerce 美国国际商会 Andean Pact Organization 安第斯条约组织(安第斯集团) Andean Group Andean Reserve Fund 安第斯储备基金会 FAR Anzus Council 澳新美理事会 Arab African International Bank 阿拉伯-非洲国际银行 Arab Common Market 阿拉伯共同市场 Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development 阿拉伯经济和社会发展基金会 AFESD Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union 阿拉伯议会联盟 AIPU Arab-Latin American Bank 阿拉伯-拉丁美洲银行 ARLABANK Arab Monetary Fund 阿拉伯货币基金组织 AMF Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology 阿拉伯标准化和计量组织 ASMO Arab States Broadcast


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