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2015年北京第二外国语学院翻译硕士英语翻译基础考研真题 英语翻译基础 一、 汉译英15分 1、 《中庸》Doctrine of the Mean 2、音译 transliteration 3、颐和 the Summer Palace 4、目的语target language 5、不可再生资源non-renewable resource 6、中国科学院 Chinese Academy of Sciences 7、地方人民检察院 Local Peoples Procuratorates 8、领土完整 territorial integrity 9、货到付款 cash on delivery (COD) 10、对外贸易经济合作部 the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 11、洋务运动 Westernization Movement 12、中国国际广播电台 China Radio International (CRI) 13、改革重点 the key points of the reform 15、宪法修正案 amendments to the Constitution 英译汉 15分 1、 (EMS)express mail service 特快专递 2、 (GNP)gross national product 国民生产总值 3、 (OPEC)Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国家组 织 4、mission commander 指挥官 5、The third party involvement 第三方介入 6、(IFF)International Football Federation 国际足球联合会 7、Non Aligned Movement 不结盟运动 8、House of Representatives 众议院 9、(IAEA)International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织 10、Direct dial to phone 直拨电话 11、(IQ)intelligence quotient智商 12、computer assisted design 计算机辅助设计 13、Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局 二、段落英译汉60分 人物传记类,讲述一个部落放牛郎成长为二十世纪最后一位伟大的解放者。三段, 无生词。 三、段落汉译英60分 科技类。Internet 给现代生活的改变。三段,较易。正常语序,注意英语一般 以物为主语,被动。 英译汉已改了,以前是经济学人那种风格的新闻评论,今年改成了一篇人物志, 是奥巴马关于曼德拉的演讲,同样还是很简单,我翻得很快,出来后和官方翻译 一对比水平还是有差距的. 原文: It ishard to eulogize any man -- to capture inwords not just the facts and the dates thatmake a life,but the essential truth of a person -- theirprivate joysand sorrows;thequietmoments andunique qualities that illuminate someone’s soul. How much harder to do so for a giant of history, who moved a nation toward justice, and in the process moved billions around the world. Born during World War I, far from the corridors of power, a boy raised herding cattle and tutoredby the elders of his Thembu tribe, Madiba would emerge as the last great liberator of the 20th century. Like Gandhi, he would leada resistance movement -- amovement thatat itsstarthad littleprospect for success. Like Dr. King, h



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