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农村生态环境  2003 ,19 (2) :16 - 19 ,23                           Rural EcoEnvironment    广西都安瑶族自治县农业可持续发展的生态安全评价 1 ,2 2 2 2 ( 胡宝清 ,廖赤眉 ,严志强 ,蒋松芳   1 中国科学院 地球化学研究所 环境地球化学国家重点实验室 ,贵州 贵阳   550002 ; 2 广西师范学院 资源与环境科学学院 ,广西 南宁  530001) 摘要 : 以广西都安瑶族自治县为例,建立都安农业可持续发展生态安全评价指标体系 ,对都安农业可持续发展进 行生态安全评价 ,进而作出生态安全区划 ,并提出了不同生态安全区的土地利用与生态安全建设对策。 关键词 : 生态安全 ; 评价 ; 区划; 可持续发展 ; 都安瑶族自治县 ( ) 中图分类号: X826 ; F323   文献标识码 :A   文章编号 :1001 - 5906 2003 02 - 0016 - 04 Evaluation on ecosecurity of county level agricultural sustainable development in rocky mountain areas of Guangxi —a case study of Du′an Yao Autonomous County. HU B aoqing 1, 2 , L IA O Chimei2 , YA N Zhiqiang2 , JIA N G Songf an g2 (1. National Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry , Geochemistry Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences , Guiyang 550002 , China ; 2. Department of Resources and Environment Sciences , Guangxi Teachers′College , Nanning 530001 ,China) : R ural EcoEnvironment , 2003 ,19 (2) :16 - 19 ,23 Abstract : Resources and environment are the heart and base of agricultural sustainable development. Ecosecurity of a gricultural and rural development means the resources and environment in the area are balanced and the agroecosystem is healthy. Took Du′an Yao Autonomous County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for case study and based on the set evaluation index system ecosecurity evaluation on agricultural sustainable development in Du′an was conducted , and the county was regionalized according to biosecurity. On such a basis , strategies for land use and buildingup of ecosecu rity in different ecosecurity regions for agricultural sustainabl



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