
『微课程』 小处着眼 大处教育.ppt

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二、微课程怎么设计? 面向教师的教育故事类 面向学生的德育类 面向学科学习的教学类 制作 与 分享 选取素材 写作脚本 加工整理构思 发现故事 数字故事 面向教师的教育故事类 面向学生的德育类 一个数字故事的好坏并不在于你使用了什么软件,什么工具,而在于你的组织,你的构思,你的创意。 需要挖些什么 …… 在哪里挖掘知识 学科知识微课程 托盘天平的使用/v_show/id_XODY1MDUyODg=.html 面向学科学习的教学类 三、微课程怎么制作? 具体制作技巧见演示文稿“6微课程开发培训四.pptx” 案例对比讲解见演示文稿“8微课程开发培训六.pptx”及“微课程24点三稿与点评李玉平苏文.pptx” 微课程示例 面向教师的教育故事类 小红花的诱惑/v_show/id_XMzQwNTM1NDY0.html 开学五招/v_show/id_XNDQ0ODU0MzM2.html 面向学生的德育类 保护蛋宝宝/v_show/id_XMzI1NzM0NDky.html 小C剃头记/WatchVideo.aspx?id=185 小松当官记/WatchVideo.aspx?id=194 面向学科学习的教学类 怎样给美术字涂色/v/b2349734302.html 认识三角形/WatchVideo.aspx?id=460 相关资源附录: 1、上海师范大学黎加厚教授讲座《未来课堂与微课程设计》 /v_show/id_XNDg3NjE5MDc2.html 2、上海师范大学黎加厚教授整理的微课程资料 /s/blog_624df0fc0102e1m9.html 3、上海师范大学黎加厚教授博客/shnuli 4、李玉平博客/ 5、微学习网/ 6、常州一中微课程/ 钟楼区电教馆 蒋砾 * 『微课程』 小处着眼 大处教育 * * * * * In the spring of 2007, Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, two science teachers at Woodland Park High School in Woodland Park Colorado, USA, decided to record their lectures and assign them as homework to their students, who would watch them online or on DVD, and then do the practice exercises (which used to be ‘homework’) in class with their teachers’ support. They first called their experiment Pre-Vodcasting model, ?from video podcasts, and then Reverse Instruction, and only much later, in 2010, Karl Fink set up a blog about the Flipped Classroom and Dan Pink used the term Flipped Class in his blog. The idea has since spread throughout the USA and the world. * * Why Flipped Classrooms Are Here to Stay By Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams Through much of our respective teaching careers, we had often been frustrated with students not being able to apply the content from our lectures to their work and daily lives. Then one day, after a combined 26 years in classrooms, we had an insight that would change our world. It was a simple observation: The time when students really need educators to be physically present is when they get stuck on homework questions and nee


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