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Lesson 37 Regulations of Fire Fighting 第37课 消防规则 Precaution against fire 防火注意事项 The only sure way to avoid the consequence of a disastrous([di’za:str?s]灾难性的) fire at sea is not to have one. 避免(船舶)在海上因灾难性火灾而引起重大损失的最好方法就是排除一切安全隐患。 Most ship fires in peace time(和平时期) are caused by carelessness(粗心), ignorance(无知), or stupidity(糊涂). 在和平时期,大部分的船舶火灾都是由于粗心、无知或糊涂造成的。 It is therefore the duty(职责) of all seafarers([si:‘fer?r],船员) to see that(确保) they are not found guilty(adj.违背的) on any of these counts(注意事项,罪状). 因此,确保自己没有违背这些注意事项中的任一条是所有船员的职责。 注意:动词find后常跟形容词作宾语补足语。 In accommodation(居住舱室) the greatest attention must be paid to the safe disposal(安全摆放) of cigarette ends(烟头) and matches(火柴). 在(船员的)居住舱室,必须十分注意烟头和火柴的安全摆放。 One should always be certain that(确保) the match is actually extinguished(熄灭) and the cigarette end properly(完全地) stubbed out(snuff out,掐灭) before being put in a safe receptacle(容器). 火柴和烟头在被投放到安全容器中之前,应该确保火柴和烟头已经熄灭。 The rotating top type(顶旋式) of ash tray(烟灰缸) is safest as there is no chance of the contents being scattered around(散落) the cabin(居住舱室) should the ash-tray slide off(滑落) the table in rough weather(恶劣天气). 顶旋式烟灰缸是最安全的,因为即使在恶劣天气下散落在居住舱室的物体也不会使烟灰缸从桌面滑落。 Matches should not be kept loose(散乱的) and should be safety type(安全型), though(可是) this name should not be taken too literally(字面上) as(因为) they are still liable to(容易) self-ignition(自燃) under certain circumstances(环境). 火柴不可以散乱放置并且应使用安全型火柴,可是,不能完全从字面上来理解安全型火柴这个称谓,因为在一定的环境下它们仍然容易自燃。 All electrical appliances(电气设备) must be firmly secured(固定) and served by permanent connections(固定连接) wherever possible. 所有的电气设备必须可靠固定,并尽可能采用固定连接。 If flexible leads(软导线)must be used they should be as short as possible and so arranged that chafing(摩擦侵蚀) or cutting off(切割) the wires in service(在使用中) is not possible, whilst the correct size of plug(插头) and socket(插座) with an effective earth connection(接地) should be used. 如果必须使用软导线,应尽可能的短以避免出现在使用中摩擦侵蚀或切割软导线,同时应使用带有有效接地的合适插头和插座。 Cases have been found where two loose wire


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