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第四届盛群杯天津市大学生单片机应用设计竞赛 智能数字键盘 参赛编号:09TJ-0419 天津工业大学 自动化系 指导老师:熊慧 参赛队员:蒲绪强 刘哲源 郑志勇 孙冬青 E-mail Address:mengzhidui2009@126.com 日期:2009年 5 月 8 日 摘要:在日常生活中,经常要用 ATM 机取钱,但用 ATM 机取钱的最大的隐患就是密码被 不法分子记住,给我们的财产带来安全隐患,不法分子记住密码的方法往往不是看到提款人 按下的数字,而是根据提款人按下的按键在键盘上的位置来获取提款人的密码。基于这种现 象,我们提出了数字随机键盘的构想,就是通过单片机对键盘上按键对应的键值进行控制, 实现 0到 9十个数字在每次使用键盘时,对应在键盘上的按键不是固定的,而是随机排列的, 比如在第一次使用键盘时第一个按键对应的键值如果是 5,那么在第二次使用键盘时,第一 个按键对应的键值就不是 5而是其他的数字了。通过实现键盘键值的随机排列,从而大大的 降低不法分子盗取提款人密码的几率,为我们的财产安全提供了保障。同时本作品还加入了 时钟和报警的模块,从而使本作品可应用于多种场合中,提高了作品的实用性,有很大的发 展前景。 关键词:单片机 随机 Abstract In our daily life, often use ATM money machine, but the ATM machine with the biggest potential problem is that the password is remembered by lawless elements. But the lawless elements remember the password is often not the way to look at the number which users press on the keyboard , they remember the password through remembering the location of keyboard’ s keys which pressed by users. Based on this phenomenon, we put forward the idea of intelligent random keyboard. Through single-chip microcomputer controlling the corresponding keys on your keyboard, to achieve every time using the keyboard, the corresponding keys on your keyboard is not fixed, but randomly arranged. Through realization of the random order of the keys on your keyboard, thus greatly reducing the chance for the lawless elements who want to remember user’s password, then our property is safe. At the same time, this work has also acceded to the clock and alarm modules, so that the work can be applied to a variety of occasions, to enhance the practicality of the work, there are great prospects for development. Key words:single-chip random 很多的安


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