2011 阿贡实验室 Ira Bloom 电池测试与寿命估算 Battery Testing and Life Estimation in the US.pdf

2011 阿贡实验室 Ira Bloom 电池测试与寿命估算 Battery Testing and Life Estimation in the US.pdf

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2011 阿贡实验室 Ira Bloom 电池测试与寿命估算 Battery Testing and Life Estimation in the US

Battery Testing and Life Estimation in the US Ira Bloom US-China EV Initiative Workshop Argonne National Laboratory August 4-5, 2011 Battery Testing in the US  Battery performance and life testing in the US is an application-driven, analytical process  Current focus is on HEVs, PHEVs and EVs  For simplicity, this presentation will be focused on test methods for PHEVs and EVs at the pre-competitive stage  General testing philosophy – Obtain sufficient information in a limited amount of time to gauge the performance of a battery without exhausting it – The test procedures employ accelerated aging techniques – The test procedures used are applicable to cells, modules and complete battery systems  Anatomy of battery testing – Characterize the performance of a battery – Age it under controlled conditions – Measure changes in performance by repeating portions of the characterization tests • A reference performance test Vehicle Stress on Battery  Each type of electric vehicle uses the capacity/energy of the battery differently – EV: use about 80% of available battery energy for vehicle propulsion (all electric range, AER) – PHEV: use about 70% for electric propulsion (high SOC, AER) and about 5% for hybrid operation (low SOC) – HEV: use about the central 50% of the battery for operation (charge sustaining)  Thus, the battery has to be sized and engineered to accommodate demands from the vehicle Unused EV capacity Used capacity (CD) Unused PHEV CS Used capacity (CD) capacity Charge sustaining (CS) Unused


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