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基于蚁群算法的集装箱码头集卡调度研究 摘 要 随着人口的增多,土地资源越来越昂贵,不可能无限制的扩大港口占地面积,在现有的港口规模下,如何挖掘潜力,改进管理水平,提高港口吞吐能力,是港口管理者面临的共同问题。我国的港口管理水平与发达国家的现代化港口有较大差距,相同规模的港口,其吞吐量能力远逊于国外,这值得港口管理者和学者们深思。单纯依靠增加设备投入虽然能提高集装箱的装卸速度,但显然不是最经济的方法,提高集装箱的装卸效率更为重要,因此必须制定合理的集装箱码头装卸工艺流程,包括堆场规划、装卸机械调配等来提高效率。 Abstract Due to the increasing population and the land resource becoming more and more expensive, it is impossible to expand the port area without limitation. So it becomes a common problem for all port managers that how to tap potential improve management and increase throughout capacity under the existing port size. The port managers are forcing to create more profit in limited business by reducing cost, because of the shrinkage of the international trade and the downturn in the shipping industry. There is a big gap between China’s port management level and that of modern ports in developed countries. For ports of almost same size, our throughout capacity is far less than abroad, which worth being thought by the managers and scholars. Obviously it is not the best way that solely relies on the increase on the equipment investments despite that it can faster the handling speed. It is more vital to increase the handling efficiency of the containers. In order to achieve that, a reasonable container terminal handling process including the yard planning and the machine deployment must be established. The horizontal transport system of container terminal is responsible for the loading, uploading and transport of the containers inside the port, which means the container lorry dispatch is a quite complex mission. What’s more, the increasing amount of containers and lorries, the expanding construction of the terminals as well as the frequently updating of the dispatch rules are making the dispatch job even more complicated. Thus, how to improve the operation efficiency of the container lorry to the maximum extent has become the urgent need to increase the terminal’s productivity. On the basis of ful


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