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基于遗传算法的在线考试系统论文 ?????? 在考试系统中,自动组卷是关键的部分.随着人工智能的快速发展,这个问题已经被越来越多的科学家所关注.在题库技术和组卷策略知识的基础上,并结合其他算法,本文分析了一个更好的自动组卷算法-遗传算法.计算机自动组卷的实质就是遵循一定的选题策略,从试题库中选出一组试题 ,使得它们所有的属性都在一定的取值范围内满足出卷人所期望的指标 ,其核心问题是多目标选题策略。针对该问题的特点, 建立了该问题的数学模型, 给出了基于矩阵编码的遗传算法解决此问题的方法该方法能有效地解决试题库研究中的智能组卷问题, 具有较好的性能和实用性. 本文在分析国内外大量文献的基础上,基于遗传算法,针对考试系统的自动出题问题,应用矩阵理论的知识,为自动组卷系统建立了一个合适的数学模型,使我们能在数学模型的基础上,应用遗传算法全局寻优和智能有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站的特性,在试题的各种属性满足数学模型的控制指标的基础上,从题库中既好又快的抽出一组符合考方要求的试题,从而得到一份满意的试卷。 首先分析了自动组卷系统在具体的教学活动过程中的实际需求,然后以一个教学例子为背景,使用遗传算法实现自动组卷,本系统可以从试题库中自动的查找和组织出一些不同类型、不同难度、不同章节范围内的试题来组成一份合理的试卷。 在以上基础上,本文使用ASP和SQL server实现了一个基于遗传算法在线考试系统,实现了在线考试的基本功能。 关键词:在线考试系统;自动组卷;题库;组卷策略;遗传算法 Abstract With the rapid development of Internet ,more and more web-based(or Internet-based) applications came into being in recent years.Online Testing System,as a part of the Distance Learning System,is one typical application especialy in universities and educational organizations.Although the traditional paper-based testing format is still commonly being used,Online Testing System has become more and more necessary along with the development of web-based Distance Learning technologies. Of the system,auto-generating papers is a very important problem,and it has been paid more and more attention to by a lot of scientists with the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence.On the base of analying itam bank technique and maneuvers of composing examination papers, compares with other algorithms, this paper analyses a better algorithm of auto-generating examination papers Genetic Algorithm. the idea of Auto-generating examination papers is to select some examination questions in a way to meets requirements ,these requirements include property ,the range of questions ,etc. This paper gives a Mathematical model for this problem , then presented a method to solve this problem based on Genetic Algorithms based on matrix coding. the Algorithms can solve the problem effectivelly, and that it is an applicable method with satisfactory performance


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