To Offer Better Customer Service by Implementing Local Test.doc

To Offer Better Customer Service by Implementing Local Test.doc

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To Offer Better Customer Service by Implementing Local Test.doc

To Offer Better Customer Service by Implementing Local Test 中文摘要 Global公司是一家专门为零配件、家用电器、灯饰类产品、信息及视听设备、机械设备等产品提供测试和认证服务的第三方公证机构。除了在挪威的总部,Global在全球的主要国家和地区都有属于自己的实验室为当地客户提供测试认证服务,在中国却没有属于自己的实验室从而无法进行本地化测试。自99年Global走入中国,一直以代表处的身份为客户提供联络工作。然而,随着这些产品在市场上的生命周期越来越短,企业竞争性不断加剧,不能提供本地化测试成了Global在中国市场上业务拓展的瓶颈。面对客户的抱怨以及来自竞争对手的压力,实行本地测试对Global来说是势在必行的。 本论文明确了需要解决的问题是要尽快建立一套切实可行的本地化测试方案。我们找到了解决问题的理论依据——让客户满意。通过列举了现有客户资源、人力、财力、环境资源、社会政策等一系列因素,并对这一系列的因素进行SWOT分析,初步从理论上确立了实施本地化测试的必要性和可行性。然后规划并开展了一个具体的租用本地实验室进行测试的项目。在项目实施的过程中,对目标客户进行了问卷调查;在工作会议中,集思广益、互通有无。项目开展完成后,我们对参与本地测试项目的客户进行满意度调查,同时分析对比了本地化测试的收支预算和实际收支。从客户满意度和Global经济效益方面的总结表明项目开展的结果实现了预期的目标,最后我们紧扣解决问题的理论依据,进一步证实了实施本地化测试的可操作性。 因此,在中国建立属于自己的实验室,为客户提供本地化测试,应列入Global在中国长期发展的计划之中。 关键词:产品认证 当地测试 客户满意 Abstract This dissertation presents a detailed discussion on the project about offering better customer service by implementing local test. Global is a world-wide third-party testing and certification body. It offers testing and certification services to manufacturers who produce electrical appliances, installation materials,ITAV appliances and machineries. Under current practice, our clients should send their testing samples abroad for testing. Recently more and more clients complain about the high international sample express cost, long certification delivery time and no face to face effective communication when the product fail testing. Global is facing the problem of losing clients to our competitors who can offer local testing service. As the office manager of Global China, I am appointed to solve this problem in reason. It is hypothesized that by implementing local test, Global China can satisfy the customers and has more chance to keep our old clients and in the mean time gains more new clients. The project is stated in following procedure: project rationale and project hypothesis, problem analysis, project design, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Scientific research methods of customer survey are use


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