【英语论文】浅谈广告英语翻译技巧Advertising English Translation Skills.doc

【英语论文】浅谈广告英语翻译技巧Advertising English Translation Skills.doc

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【英语论文】浅谈广告英语翻译技巧Advertising English Translation Skills.doc

浅谈广告英语翻译技巧 Advertising English Translation Skills 摘 要 在商品经济高度发达的今天,广告作为信息载体,以各种方式渗透到生活的各个领域,成为现代生活不可或缺的组成的部分。广告英语也已经发展成为一种重要的实用文体,有自己独特的语言风格,在翻译时应坚持正确的翻译标准和规则,充分考虑广告英语的语言特色,采取恰当的翻译策略,以展现广告英语所特有的语言魅力。 广告文化是从属于商业文化的亚文化,自身又包含了商品文化以及营销文化。广告则是跨国界、跨文化的商品营销的宣传形式。中国的国际广告实施过程中,在广告语言的运用方面,翻译工作者起着举足轻重的作用,同时也面临着由于各国文化与语言差异所带来的各种困难。国际广告的翻译显然不同于其它文体的翻译,译者需具备语言、社会文化、民俗、美学、心理学、经济学、广告原理等多方面的知识,翻译时也须采用新的策略。 跨文化 Abstract In todays highly developed commodity economy, advertising as an information carrier, has penetrated into all spheres of life, which has become an indispensable part of modern life. Advertising English has developed into an important practical style has its own unique language style, adhere to the correct translation standards in the translation should take full account of the linguistic features of advertising English, take the appropriate translation strategies, unique display of advertisements in English language charm. Advertisement culture includes the culture of goods and the culture of market. The advertisement is a propaganda form which is the sales of commodity of cross-nation and cross-culture. The translator is in a important position to apply advertisement languages. At the same time, they confront any kinds of difficulties, because of the different culture and language of different counties. In evidence, the translation of the advertisement is different from the other stylistics. The translator should have universal knowledge including language, culture of society, folkway, aesthetics, psychics, economics and advertisement’s principle. At the same time, the translators also adopt new strategies when they translate. Key words: advertising English; translation criteria; language features; translation strategies; cross culture Table of Contents Pages 1. Introduction ………………………………………………………….. Overview of Advertisement 1.1.1Defination of advertisement 1.1.1 Functions of advertisement 1.2 Advertising English Translation Features 1 1 1 2 2 1.1…………


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