【英语论文】浅谈散文翻译中的形合与意合-以《背影》为例A Comparative Study on the Hypotaxis and Parataxis in Prose Translation of Beiying.doc

【英语论文】浅谈散文翻译中的形合与意合-以《背影》为例A Comparative Study on the Hypotaxis and Parataxis in Prose Translation of Beiying.doc

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【英语论文】浅谈散文翻译中的形合与意合-以《背影》为例A Comparative Study on the Hypotaxis and Parataxis in Prose Translation of Beiying.doc

浅谈散文翻译中的形合与意合 -以《背影》为例 A Comparative Study on the Hypotaxis and Parataxis in Prose Translation of Beiying A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts The Institute of Online Education Beijing Foreign Studies University 摘要 近年来特别是中国加入世贸组织后, 由于中外经济交往密切,中外文化交流也迅速发展。但在翻译作品中, 相比起大量涌现的英译中作品, 汉译英作品是寥寥无几。从事汉译英的翻译人才也甚为缺乏。究其原因, 一方面是学界普遍认为翻译应该是由外语译入为母语, 非母语翻译人员是很难作好翻译的。但考虑到我国的大量优秀作品需要走出去,汉译英的工作只能依靠中国人来担任。 要作好这项工作, 首先要充分认识汉英两种语言的差异。而两种语言的不同构成方式,汉语重意合, 英语重形合,被认为是两者最大的差别。 本文因此希望探讨解决此问题的翻译策略性。 本论文以散文《背影》及其两个英文翻译版本为分析材料,从中选取了15组句子作为例子, 对每一组例句进行比较与分析, 着重是观察其采取的翻译策略,是保留原文的意合为主的中文构成方式, 还是将其转化为行合为主的英文表达方式。 而在转化的过程中, 译者是如何运用英文的连贯手法,再具体到对衔接词语的选择上,作者是如何运用其翻译技巧的。 由此得出结论, 汉语翻译成英语,特别是如散文之类的艺术文,应特别注意意合与形合之间的转换。 译者应兼重对原文的忠实同时关照读者的可接受性, 力求理解原文的精神, 用正确的符合英语习惯的的表达方式。把原作的意思表达出来。要作好这点,需要译员不仅对两种语言相当熟悉,同时对汉英的不同思维方式与由此而来的形合与意合现象保持敏的触角。 本文所选的翻译本都是出自于翻译大家,透过分析,希望能从中学习借鉴优秀的翻译策 与技巧, 并为以后的翻译实践提供理论指导。并希望在翻译界能更多地重视探讨汉译英的主题。 关键词:形合与意合, 翻译策略,衔接词 Abstract Recent years has seen the rapid development of cultural exchange between China and the world, this is brought about by more frequent economical and social activities after China joint the WTO in1995. In compare with thousands of E-C translation that flood into China, few C-E translation has been produced, and few translators engage in C-E translation. One of the reasons is the believe that C-E translation can only be taken on by native speakers. However we can not rely English native speakers to do C-E translation, which is impractical. Chinese translators have to take on this task. One of the difficulties confronted to Chinese translators is the difference in cohesion type between two languages. As it is said that Chinese is parataxis dominated where


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