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临床护士离职意愿与工作满意度的相关性研究 Study on the relationship of nurses turnover intention with job satisfaction [摘要] 目的 探讨临床护士离职意愿与工作满意度的相关性。方法 采用方便抽样问卷调查方法,调查了广州市7所医院944名注册护士的离职意愿、工作满意度现状以,并分析其相关的关系。结果 离职意愿总分为(14.710±3.487)分,离职意愿各纬度得分由高至低依次为获得外部工作的可能性、寻找其他工作的动机、辞去目前工作的可能性;工作满意度总得分为(127.350±15.248)分,各维度满意度水平由高到低依次为:互相合作、职业地位、自主性、组织决策、工作任务和收入;离职意愿与工作满意度各维度均呈负相关,除工作任务无统计学意义外,护士对互相合作、职业地位、自主性、组织决策、收入的满意度越高,离职意愿越低。结论 临床护士有着较高的离职意愿和对工作的满意度较低;另临床护士工作满意度越高,离职意愿越低。因此,提高护士工作满意度,降低护士的离职倾向,对稳定护士队伍,促进护理工作质量的提高等有重要的现实意义。 【关键词】 临床护士;离职意愿;工作满意度 Abstract Purpose This paper is a report of a study to the relationship of nurses turnover intention with job satisfaction. Methods This convenience trial study included seven hospitals in Guang Zhou. Participants were 944 clinical nurses. Current data questionnaire、turnover intention scale and job satisfaction index scale were employed to collect data. Results Total score of turnover intention in 944 respondents was 14.71±3.487.The score of turnover intention from high to low in turn was:Ⅲ(possibility to take other job),Ⅱ(the motivation to look for other job)0.561,Ⅰ(the possibility to resign from their 作者简介:柯彩霞(1970—),女,广东省博罗县人,副主任护理师,硕士。 Present job). Job satisfaction of nursing staff: Total score of job satisfaction in 944 respondents was 127.35?5.248; and the value of index was 0.579.v The satisfaction level of every latitude from high to low was as follow: mutual cooperation, profession status, independence, organizational strategy, job assignment and income. There were negative correlations between every latitude of job satisfaction and turnover intention. Conclusion There was higher job satisfaction had lower turnover intention; It is necessary to give greater consideration to set down the measure , which would rise the level of job satisfaction and reduce turnover intention of nurses. Key words: clinical nurses; turnover intention ; job satisfaction 离职意愿是指个体在一定时期内变换其工作的可能性,被认为是离职的前因变量,对实际的离职行为有很好的预测力,有学者甚至建议直接用离职意愿来代替实际的离职行为[1]。工作满意度在多个领域中得到广泛


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