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透过当前中国洋化现象看传统思想教育的相关对策 [摘 要]异彩纷呈、独具特色的传统文化,是各民族在漫长的历史发展过程中创造、积淀而形成的,不同的传统文化自然都深深地刻上了本民族的烙印。然而,当社会处于动荡、转型时期,民族文化又不可避免地受到来自各方面的冲击。南怀瑾《亦旧亦新的一代·前言》中有这样一段话:“二十世纪是一个动荡的时代;二十世纪的中国,更是在内忧外患中颠沛困顿,力图自强。辛亥革命,中国的专制政体被打倒了;新文化运动,中国的古老文化被破坏了。生长在这新旧文化夹缝中的青年,整个思想便陷于古今中外的矛盾混乱之中。” 本文将从当前中国洋化现象着手,阐述当前中国文化的现状及外来文化的冲击,及对本土文化发展传承的不利影响,分析当前如何加强传统文化教育,弥补传统文化缺失的问题,以及更好继承和发展地传统文化的几点思考。 [关键词]外来文化;文化外化;中国传统文化;传统思想教育 Duality of the current situation in China through the Chinese traditional thinking and the need for education Abstract: Colorful and unique traditional culture is formed of creation and accumulation by all ethnic groups in the long historical development,it is deeply engraved in different traditional culture of its nation branding.However, when society is in turmoil and transition period, culture inevitably be the impact from all sides.In the passageold also has a new generation IntroductionNan Huai-jin said,The twentieth century was a turbulent era;twentieth-century China, it is in the final version of the dianpei exhausted, trying to self-improvement. 1911 Revolution, Chinas autocracy was overthrown; New Culture Movement, Chinas ancient culture was destroyed.Growth up in this culture caught between old and new youth, the entire ideological contradictions at all times be caught in chaos. This paper will present the phenomenon of Chinese foreignized start to explain the current status of Chinese culture and the impact of foreign culture, and the development of local cultural heritage of adverse effects;analysis of the current ways to enhance the traditional culture, traditional culture to make up for missing, and better land inheritance and development of traditional culture. Key words: Foreign culture; National culture of foreign countries; Traditional Chinese Culture; Traditional ideological education 引言 改革开放,中国的经济,文化,政治等事业了翻天覆地的变化GDP总量持续增长,综合国力和国际地位提高然而,繁华是令人深感忧虑的各种隐患十多年前著名论断——计划和市场都是资源配置的方式不是区别社会主义和资本主义的标准党的标志着:中国从此进入了改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的历史新时期,中国共产党从此开始了的新探索。,认识了什么是肯德基麦当劳,什么是好莱坞


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