海藻学基础知识(英文版) .doc

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海藻学基础知识(英文版) .doc

海藻学 第一章 I 海藻学 study of the classification, morphology, structure, ecology, physiology,evolution, reproduction, and life histories of algae. 藻类学: 研究藻类植物的分类、形态、构造、生态、生理、进化、繁殖和生活史 II (I) Algae show a broad range of complexity, They range in complexity from tiny, microscopic forms, to very complex forms such as the kelps. 藻类植物的形态多种多样。从微小的单细胞到长达上百米的大型褐藻。 (II)Are simple constructiongenerally do not have vascular tissue,do not show high level of organ differentiation . More advanced brown algae have a certain degree of organ differentiation, and which even have a type of vascular tissue. 藻类植物结构简单,一般没有维管组织,没有组织和器官的分化。大部分的高等褐藻有一定程度的器官分化和一套有特点的维管组织。 (III) They have naked reproductive structures.This means that there are no protective layers of cells surrounding reproductive structures. None of the algae have reached even the level of organization in reproductive structures shown by the archegoniate 颈卵器plants, such as the mosses liverworts.(IV) Most algaeare photoautotrophic, which means that they can make their own food materials through photosynthesis by using sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.藻类植物进行光合作用,光自养。In common with all plants, most algae contain chlorophyll-a, as well as various other photosynthetic pigments. 与普通植物一样,大部分藻类植物还有叶绿素a和其他各种光和色素。 (V) A few algae are not photoautotrophic, but they belong to groups which are usually autotrophs. strictly speaking, not all algae belong to the plant kingdom. (VI) 藻类是无胚的、具有叶绿素的自养叶状体的孢子植物 叶状体 (原植体)thyllus ( thylli pl ):没有真正的根、茎、叶区别。全身都有吸收养料和进行光和作用的功能。虽然有些高等藻类在外形上出现类似高等植物的茎、叶、根的形态,但从基本构造来看,仅仅是有一些稍有分化的细胞组成的薄壁组织状的构造。 Thyllus meaning they lack true roots, stems, and leaves, fruits, connecting tissue etc. and photosynthesis occurs throughout the plant, not just the leaves.Parts are called: Holdfast, stipe, blade, air bladders (pneumatophores, 气囊). III . What is algae in taxonomy? The algae---some major groups Cyanophyta blue-green algae Chlorophyta Green algae Phaeophyta Brown algae Rhodophyta Red algae Euglenophyta Euglenoids


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