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, Jou rn al of A nhu iA gr.i Sci. 2009, 37( 35) : 17732- 17734 李布青 卢瑶 孙喜民, 王林凤, 关凤兰, 栗艳杰 ( , 165000 ) 分析了大兴安岭林区春秋季防火期的主要气候特 , 总结了前期气候背景短期气候条件以及当日的天气状况与森林火险火 灾的关系, 提出了预防林火危害的技术措施 大兴安岭林区; 高火险区; 气象成因; 林火 S762 A 0517- 6611( 2009) 35- 17732- 03 The Cause ofH igh F ireR iskW eather and theM eans ofR educing theDangers of Forest Fire in Daxingling SUN X im in et al ( D ax inganling M e teoro log ical O ffice, H e ilong iang 165000) A stract Th e m a in clmi atic characteristics of forest f ire prevention in spring and autum n o f Dax inganling w ere an alysed, ear ly c lmi a tic back ground, shortterm clmi atic condition s and th e re lation betw een th e w eather and forest fires w ere summ arized. T he techn ica lm easures of pre venting forest fires w ere put forw ard. Key words Daxinganling; H igh f ire risk area; Th e cau se o f m eteoro log ical; Forest f ire , 12. 9 mm, 12 mm 47 , mm 5, 5 , , 7. 2 mm, 61mm, [ 1- 2] 9, , 9 , 10 [ 3] , , , 27 mm , 5 mm, , 15 ~ 34 , mm, , , , , , , , , [ 4- 6] , , 1 , , , , ; , 1 ; 1971~ 2000, Fig. 1 The change characteristics of the average rainfal,l tempera - 0. 8~ - 4. 3 , ( 1)- 23. 3 tureand evaporation in the forest region within ten days ~ - 29. 6 , ( 7) 17. 4 ~ 20. 5 ; 1. 2 23 - 52. 3 , 39. 4 5, 1 mm 0. 5~ 2. 3 439~ 530 mm, d3 5 mm , ; , 6, 0. 2 ~


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