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应 用 生 态 学 报  2003 年 1 月  第 14 卷  第 1 期                                CHIN ESE JOURNAL OF APPL IED ECOLO GY ,Jan. 2003 ,14 ( 1) ∶154~156 广州白云山风景名胜区主要林分类型凋落物的研究 曾曙才  苏志尧  古炎坤  谢正生  刘月秀 (华南农业大学林学院 , 广州 510642) Litterfalls of major forest stands at Baiyunshan scenic spot of Guangzhou. ZEN G Shucai , SU Zhiyao , GU Yankun , XIE Zhengsheng ,L IU Yuexiu ( College of Forest ry , South China A gricultural U niversity , Guangz hou ) ( ) 510642 , China . Chin. J . A ppl . Ecol . ,2003 ,14 1 :154~156. The productions , seasonal dynamics , macronutrient contents and decomposition rates of the litterfalls of four typical stands ,e. g. , Pinus m assoniana plantation ,secondary evergreen broadleaved forest ,Acacia m angium plantation and Schim a superbaAcacia m angium plantation at the scenic Baiyunshan of Guangzhou were studied. The litterfall productions of four stands in 1998 were 8. 34 , 6. 77 , 6. 31 and 11. 54 t ·hm - 2 , respectively. The seasonal dynam ics of litterfall amounts demonstrated the singlepeak model with the peak period in J une and J uly. The total amounts of macronutrients returned to the forest land by means of litters in the four stands in 1998 were 26. 30 , 69. 81 , 54. 9 and 152. 24 kg ·hm - 2 , respectively. The annual decomposition rates of the litterfalls were 24. 4 % , 53. 4 % , 52. 4 % and 57. 4 %. Key words  Baiyunshand Mountain , Forest stands , Litterfalls. ( ) 文章编号  1001 - 9332 2003 01 - 0154 - 03  中图分类号  Q948  文献标识码  A ( - 2 ) (


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