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SAT写作考试素材集锦 第一章、美国概况 Chapter 1 American History ( I ) (1600-1900) Discovery of the New World *The “first Americans”: Indians *Christopher Columbus: An Italian navigator supported by Spanish Queen led his men to sail across the vast ocean in 1492 and reached some small islands in the now West Indies. He thought he had reached Aisa and didn’t know he had discovered a New Continent. (哥伦布是个粗心大意的家伙[意大利人],本来要去西藏[西班牙赞助],却在西印度群岛上,看到一座寺庙就饿[1492]了,不想走了。[哥伦布的老家和赞助商要记清]) *Amerigo Vespucci: The navigator who proved that the land was no India, but a new continent. Therefore, the land was named America after him. The Colonial Period *The first English colony at Jamestown, Virginia (1607)[6形状是大象的鼻子,这么记:一头大象用鼻子(16)吹泡泡(0),泡泡飘得很高,挂满了整面旗帜(7),在Jamestown的上空迎风飘扬,猎猎作响。] *The original 13 colonies: along the east coast of North America: Virginia, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Georgia. (13: 雨伞。谐音想象:一把大花伞下面,你系着一条花围裙[Virginia=维吉尼亚]在和面[Maine],面里放满了崭新的火腿[New Ham+pshire],然后你吃着火腿面骑着马[马萨诸塞],牵[Connecticu]着牛[纽约]上路[Road=Rhode]了,路上看到隆重的婚礼[Maryland],北方和南方的孪生姐妹坐在彩车[car]里[North Carolina and South Carolina],新郎[New Jersey]和男傧相[宾州]站在桥[乔治亚州]上迎接新娘。) *Causes for the colonization of the New World (理解记忆) Opportunity was the magic word that drew people to America. It drew English nobles and skilled workmen to America and most of all it drew the poor and the homeless from the farmlands and villages of Europe. It offered people a chance to live a better life than they could hope for in the Old World. *The Pilgrims: To escape religious persecution, they left England and lived in Leyden, Holland, but they feared their children might become Dutchmen, so in 1620, 201 them sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower. They arrived at Plymouth and built the Plymouth colony. (他们刚到的那个冬天,有一半人都死了,后来印第安人教他们种玉米,丰收后,举行了第一个“感恩节”,Thanksgiving celebration, 其实他们应该感谢印第安人。) (201个英国人装在一朵有一艘船那么大的五月花里,一溜[16]烟钻进了美国的天鹅洞[2


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