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13 1 V o l. 13, N o. 1
2008 1 Journa l o f Im age and G raphics Jan. , 2008
GVF Snake
范延滨 刘彩霞 贾世宇 潘振宽
( , 26607 1
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, GV F
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GVF Snake
: TP391 : A : 2008
TheResearch ofContour InitializationAlgorithm in GVF SnakeModel
FAN Y anbin, L IU Ca ix ia, J IA Shiyu, PAN Zhenkuan
(C olleg e of Inf orma tion Eng ineering, Q ingdao Un iv ers ity, Qingda o 26607 1)
Abstract T he concept o f e ffective area is introduced in th is pape r based on de ta iled ana lysis o f the problem s o f current
ac tive contour m ode ls: poor per fo rm ance under inte rference, large compu tational co st, inab ility to converge to comp lex con
tours and d iff icu lty o f setting initial contour, etc. T he above prob lem s can be so lved by setting the in itia l contour inside the
soca lled e ffective area and contro lling the size o f the effective area . Setting the in itia l con tour inside the e ffectiv e
a rea is consistent w ith m ultisca le edg e detection m ethods based on w ave let transform. The size of e ffectiv e a rea can be
contro lled by the num be r of GV F fie ld iterations. Based on above d iscu ssion, a new contour in itia liza tion a lgor ithm is mi p le
m ented by connecting the initial po ints o f different reso lutions obtained u sing m u ltisca le edge detection m ethods based on
w avelet transform and su itably contro lling the num ber o f GV F f ie ld itera tions. Expermi ents show that the in itia l contour can
be accurate ly set ins ide the effec tive area
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