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生 物 技 术 通 讯 LETTERSINBIOTECHNOLOGY Vol.23No.2 Mar., 2012 251 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-0002.2012.02.025 研究报告 microRNA相关专利分析 王冲,张宏梁,田玲 北京协和医学院,中国医学科学院 医学信息研究所,北京 100020 [摘要] 目的:分析microRNA(miRNA)相关专利,为我国miRNA科学研究和决策提供一定的参考。方法:运用专利 文献计量学方法,使用TDA软件和Excel程序,对DII数据库中收录的miRNA相关专利的年份、国别、专利家族分布、 专利权人、发明人和Derwent手工码进行分析。结果:发现了miRNA相关专利的年份分布、主要国家或组织的专利家 族分布、前十位专利权人分布、前十位发明人分布及所涉及的Derwent手工代码分布情况。结论:我国在相关专利数 量上虽然处于相对领先地位,但与美国等国相比仍存在很大差距,同时miRNA相关专利的专利家族多局限于本国, 未曾形成一种广泛的多国高度分布的专利家族形势,缺乏对专利主动运用以获取专利信息和竞争优势的意识。 [关键词] microRNA;DII数据库;专利分析 [中图分类号] G306 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1009-0002(2012)02-0251-04 The Patents Analysis on microRNA WANG Chong, ZHANG Hong-Liang, TIAN Ling* Institute of Medical Information/Medical Library, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Sci⁃ ence, Beijing 100020, China *Corresponding author, E-mail: tianling61@ [Abstract ] Objective: In order to provide the science research and decision making more value information, the patents on microRNA(miRNA)were studied. Methods: We will analyze miRNA patents publication year, coun⁃ tries, patent families, assignees, inventors and main manual codes in DII database by using of TDA and Excel. Re⁃ sults: Based on the analysis, we got the structure of miRNA patents publication year, patent families of top 10 countries, top 10 assignees, top 10 inventors and main manual codes in DII database. Conclusion: The results showed that the number of patents on miRNA in China is delightful, however, there are still large distance from USA and so on. Further more, the patent families on miRNA in China were confined in own country without deep⁃ ly extensive distribution in more countries. We should be more active to get informa


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