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2 6 1 Vo l26, N o. 1
2 0 0 7 1 J OU R NA L OF T RO PICA L O CEAN O GRA PH Y Jan . , 2 0 0 7
刘 军, 施和生, 杜家元, 高 鹏
) , 5 10240)
: , ) ,
, 3D
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: ; ; ; ; ;
: P7444 : A : 2007) 0 1002206
Forming conditions and exploration direction of reef oilgas
pool in carbonate platform of Dongsha Massif
LIU J un , SH I H esheng , DU J iayuan, GA O Peng
( CN O OC ( Chi na) L tdS henz hen , G uang z h ou 5 10240, China)
Abstract: T he reef oilgas poo l in t he carbonate plat for m of Dongsha Massif is one of t he mo st impo rt ant
ex plorat io n direct ions. Explor at ion pract ice indicat es t hat t his area has very g ood f orm ing condit ions, in
cluding t he source rock of H uizhou sag, t he f ault sy st em t o t he deep lay er of sag, t he t ransport ing layer of
Zhuhai f orm at ion sand , clear str ucture ridg e, bet ter reef r eser voir, and ideal regional cap rock of t he t hick
overlying marine shale. Wit h new co verage of hig h accuracy 3D seismic data and new g eo logical int erpret a
t ions of t he recent years, w e pro pose t o ex plo it updat ed g eo logical and geophysical t echniques to confirm
the favor able ar ea of reef oil po ol, t o f ound a correct sediment at io n evaluat ion mode o f t he reef and carbon
at e platf orm , and t o f ind mo re hidden reef and bank car bonat e t rap s over Dongsha Massif area.
Key words: Dongsha Massif; carbo nat e plat f orm; reef oil pool; play; tr ap ; ex plorat io n direc
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