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摘 要 随着掌机和各种二维动漫类网游的普及,二维游戏的场景设计越来越受到游戏开发者的重视与关注。游戏场景设计,好的场景设计可以提升的美感、强化渲染主题,它能够使的渲染效果更加饱满。恰当的场景设计更能为提升附加值,直接影响着整部作品的风格和艺术水平。The research of scenario design in 2D ARPG game Abstract Along with the popularity of 2d MMORPG which is anime class and handhelds, more and more attention is focused in the scenario design of 2d game by game developers. Game scenario is no longer a simply foil of game background, a splendid 2d game scenario design can advance aesthetic perception of a game, and intensify rendering game theme. It can make game rendering fuller, even reach the level of 3d aesthetic effect as mixing the false with the genuine. Proper scenario design is more likely to making an important contribution to the adaption of 2d game levels and strengthens the game quality. Meanwhile it can also impress the style of whole works and artistic merit. ARPG is often a relative popular game style among most of the gamers. Especially high variance, refreshed fighting combing with the world views, characters and events in RPG game itself makes ARPG game rich and colorful, thus it can stand in the outstanding position among varieties of games. Work is based on the scenario of dragon world, combined with software like Flash, Photoshop etc, bring a fantastic world with splendid and mystery frames to the players through world view and structure of game itself on PC platform. Keywords:game, 2d, ARPG, scenario design, rendering effect. 二维ARPG游戏的场景设计研究 李阳 072207216 0 引言 进入21世纪,以电子游戏为先锋的互动娱乐产业迅速崛起为必威体育精装版的朝阳产业,成为全球IT业新的增长热点。虽然三维的电子游戏产品和电脑游戏现在在青少年儿童当中深受欢迎,但是二维游戏不仅开发低廉,而且适合于各年龄层次以及能够广泛应用到各类平台。目前,二维游戏产品在市场上还是非常热门和需要的。各种二维小游戏像《植物大战僵尸》、《愤怒的小鸟》等,也创下了惊人的业绩。二维游戏仍然会在硕大的游戏产业中稳扎脚步而屹立不倒。 回顾二维ARPG游戏的历史,各类经典之作不在话下。当初日本的ARPG神话《伊苏》就凭借着清新的画面和爽快的战斗方式迎来了各路玩家的好评。作为ARPG的鼻祖,在10年之后《暗黑破坏神》仍然留在了每个玩家的脑海中而挥之不去。 在三维ARPG和MMORPG游戏横行的今天,仍然有各种二维ARPG游戏的优秀作品在各个平台上涌现出来。例如PC平台上的《火炬之光》,利用二维的表达方式表现出三维的游戏效果,游戏场景的刻画细致入微,甚至能达到以假乱真的效果,深受玩家好评;NDS平台上的《恶魔城》系列,凭借着华丽玄幻的场景刻画和生动的人物动作表现,在中国大陆和美国地区受到热烈追捧。 同时,随着女性玩家的逐渐加盟,二维Q版和卡通造型的


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