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Lesson 6 增删重组 Contents Definition “reframing” means the necessary or even inevitable change of word order or sentence/paragraph structure and the supplying or deleting of certain words in a discourse according to the usage of the language to be translated into. Introduction: 例:一个外国人,不懂中文,走遍了大半个中国,挺不容易的。 It is really not easy for the foreigner, who does not know Chinese, to have traveled much of China. (句子重心的调整) Examples: 1. 我们要建立门类齐全、结构合理、能够满足社会消费和国民经济发展需要的先进的工业。 We shall establish an advanced industrial system which is complete in ranges and rational in structure and which meets the needs of consumers and the expansion of the national economy. (英语:定语可置于中心词之前或之后) 2. 或者所能够看见的脸都是谄媚的,乞求的,快乐的时候不敢笑,不快乐的时候不敢不笑,悲戚的时候不敢哭,不悲戚的时候不敢不哭的脸。 (聂绀弩 《我若为王》) The only faces I could see would be ingratiating or supplicating — faces that dared not smile to express joy; faces that dared not refrain from a forced smile when there was no joy at all to justify a smile; faces that dared not cry to express sorrow; faces that dared not refrain from a feigned cry when there was no sorrow to justify a cry. (张培基 译) 3. 中国的教育思想,把教育只看成“传道授业”,在中国历史上,这种教育观是根深蒂固的。 译文一:There is an ideology of education, with deep roots in the Chinese history, that says that education is supposed to only transmit philosophical doctrines and book knowledge to the pupils. (译文一重心在于解释教育观) 译文二: There is an ideology of education in China that says that education is supposed to only transmit philosophical doctrines and book knowledge to the pupils. This ideology was deep-rooted in Chinese history.(译文二侧重两个方面,更便于与下文衔接) 4. 重组在篇章层次。如John Minford 英译的《鹿鼎记》(The Deer and the Cauldron)的第一段: 北风如刀,满地冰霜。 江南近海滨的一条大路上,一队清兵手执刀枪,押着七辆囚车,冲风冒寒,向北而行。 Along a coastal road somewhere south of the Yangtze River, a detachment of soldiers, each of them armed with a halberd, was escorting a line of seven prison carts, trudging northwards in the teeth of a bitter wind. (原文首句的环境描写简约成了一句话) (参见庄绎传“《鹿鼎记》英译本学习札记”, 2005年,大家可


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