What is Intercultural Communication .ppt

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What is Intercultural Communication .ppt

Intercultural Communication What is Intercultural Communication? What is Communication? Why do we need communication? What is the goal of communication? In what forms does it appear? Is it similar in all cultures? What is necessary for communication? Definitions of communication(传播的定义): Definition 1:the activity or process of giving information to other people or to other living things, using signals such as speech, body movements, or radio signals,e.g.: Insects such as ants have a highly effective system of communication. 定义1:传播是个人或团体通过符号向个人或团体传递信息、观念、态度或情感。 Definitions of communication(传播的定义) Definition 2:the systems of processes that are used to communicate or to broadcast information, especially those that use electricity or radio wave, e.g.: the current revolution in communications 定义2:从最一般的意义上而言,传播是一个系统——信源(信息来源)通过可选择的符号去影响另一个系统——信宿(信息到达目的地)的过程,这些符号能够通过连接这两个系统的信息渠道得到传递。 Definitions of communication(传播的定义) Definition 3:a letter, telephone call or some other message; a formal use, e.g.: a secret communication from the Foreign Minister 定义3:传播也可以定义为通过迅息进行的社会互动 Types of communication: human communication (人类交流) animal communication human-animal communication human-machine communication machine-to-machine communication human communication (人类传播): 1.Social Communication (社会传播) 1).Interpersonal Communication (人际传播): 两个人或两个人以上的信息传受过程。包括两人之间的交谈、书信往来、小组讨论、大会演讲、街谈巷议等等。 2).Organization Communication (组织传播): 在学校、公司、工厂、军队、党派、群众团体等的内部的传播。 3).Mass Communication (大众传播): 职业化的传播机构利用机械化、电子化的技术手段向多数人传送信息的行为和过程。包括报刊杂志、广播电视、因特网上的各种信息。 human communication 2.Intrapersonal Communication (内向传播、自我传播): 指一个人自己脑子里在自我交流活动或是自言自语。 Classifications of Language: Human Language(人类语言): verbal: English, Chinese ; nonverbal: non-word sounds --- sounds uttered to control animals ; body language ----- gestures, head movements Artificial Language(人造语言): special purpose ---Braille ; symbolic---logic ; machine---computer Essential components of a social situation 1. two or mo



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