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摘 要 发展社会主义民主,健全社会主义法制,依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,是建 设中国特色社会主义的重要目标。目前我国的法律法规体系正处在不断的健全和完善当 中,当然每一项法律法规的制定颁布都有其产生的历史渊源、特定的社会历史背景等因 素。本课题就是给予分析南京国民政府时期颁布的《中华民国民法 继承编》,以近代中 国社会变迁为观察视角,通过研究分析继承编历史渊源、立法背景、创制过程及其历史 地位,认识其历史价值和社会意义。即使在当今社会,它对我国财产继承法制度的制定 和修改仍有着极其重要的参考价值和实用价值。 《中华民国民法 继承编》是南京国民政府时期中国的法律精英和政治精英合作完 成的一部法律,它从属于民法的范畴。是中国历史上第一部颁布实施的财产继承法律, 它既吸收了外国先进法制理论,又注重与中国传统习俗的结合,促进了中国财产继承法 制由传统向近代化的转变,是当时中国财产继承法律的集大成者。 本课题主要组成部分:一.继承法的历史渊源及近代演变;二.《中华民国民法 继 承编》的编订;三.《中华民国民法 继承编》的历史地位。 关键词:中华民国民法,财产继承,历史渊源,创制过程,历史地位 I ABSTRACT The development of socialist democracy, improve socialist legal system, rule of law and building a socialist country ruled by law, building socialism with Chinese characteristics is an important goal. Chinas current legal system is in constant improving and perfecting them, of course, each of enacting laws and regulations have its historical origin, the specific social and historical background and other factors. Analysis of this issue is to give the Nanjing National Government promulgated the Republic of China Civil Code Inheritance to the perspective of modern Chinese society, through research and analysis with inheritance history, legislative background, create process and historical status, recognizing its historical value and social significance. Even in todays society, its system of property, formulation and revision of inheritance laws still a very important reference value and practical value. Republic of China Civil Code Inheritance is the Nanjing National Government of China cooperation in the legal elite and political elite to complete a law, it belongs to the scope of civil law. A history of Ch


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