Unit Parents.ppt

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Unit Parents.ppt

Unit 2 Parents Text A A Father, a Son and an Answer Bob Greene A Father, a Son and an Answer Useful expressions Text interpretation Word family Sentence structure Translation Homework Useful expressions 登机口 火车轨道 种族区别 舒展筋骨 恶劣的天气 到达目的地 来回奔波 想出、提出 Boarding gate Railway track Racial distinction Stretch one’s legs Rotten weather Reach my destination Travel back forth Come up with Useful expressions 稍等(电话) 赶往机场 接管公司 脏话 加速 指出 上/下车/机 礼貌 Hold on Head for the airport Take over the firm Bad language Pick up speed Point out Get on/off Good manners Text interpretation Warm-up questions Can you describe your parents in a few simple words? What do you enjoy doing most when you are with your parents? What kind of parent do you want to be? Text interpretation What type is the text? A. narration B. exposition C. description D. argumentation Text interpretation Examine the title, and try to form a rough picture of the story. Some clues from the introductory sentence and the picture. More questions coming Text interpretation Scan the text and describe the father and son. Both: The father: The son: Text interpretation What did the two characters do? When and where? They rode an airport (Atlanta) shuttle train for fun on a Saturday morning. Text interpretation What is the question? What is the answer? Look at the introductory sentence and try again. How should parents bring up children? Parents should care enough to spend time with their children. Text interpretation Answer the questions Speaking Activity 3 on P.22 Discuss the questions Speaking Activity 4 on P.22 Text interpretation Passing through the Atlanta airport… Free, the trains run back and forth all day long. Not many people consider them fun. At the front of the first car were a man and his son. …let off passengers… Here we go! The boy, about five years old, made sounds of pure delight. Text interpretation …we’re supposed to avoid making racial distinc



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