Unit Rainy days make me sadSelf check.ppt

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Unit Rainy days make me sadSelf check.ppt

例: I had finished my homework before supper. 我在晚饭前把作业做完了。 supper 是过去某一时间, had finished 这一过去完成时就是在 supper之前完成的。 例: When we got there, the basketball match had already started. 我们到那里时, 篮球赛已经 开始了。 2. In class, the teacher asked me for my homework. 在课上, 老师问我要家庭作业。 ask sb. for sth. “向某人要某物”, 而ask for则表示“请求, 通过询问寻 找”。 例: (1) How much did they ask for this book? 这本书他们要多少钱? (2) The stranger asked the old man for his address. 那陌生人问老人要家庭住址。 (3) He came to ask for help. 他来求助。 (4) Did anyone ask for me? 有人找过我吗? 3. but as I was so tense when I left home, I had forgotten to bring it with me. 但是由于我离开家时太紧张了, 我已 忘记了带着来。 (1) as 连词, 因为 例: As she has no car, she can’t get there easily. 因为她没有汽车, 去那里很不容易。 as 连词, 当……的时候 As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening. 他年纪越来越大, 除了喜欢园艺外, 对一切都失去了兴趣。 (2) forget to do 忘记做…… 例: Yesterday when I left home, I forgot to lock the door. 昨天我离开家时, 忘记锁门了。 forget doing 忘记了已经做过的事情。 例: I’ll never forget finding that rare old coin in my garden. 我永远不会忘记在我花园里找到 的那枚稀罕的古币。 (3) bring 把某物带给说话人 如:   Bring that book to me.  把那本书拿来。 take 把某物带到另一地方去   Take your umbrella when you go out. 你出去时把伞带上。 fetch 去取某物并带来 例如: Please fetch the scissors from the kitchen. 请到厨房把剪刀拿来。 carry 不含任何方向, 是指用手或身体 的某个部位携带。 例如: She carried the bag on her back. 她把包背在背上。 4. I pretended that I liked it …   pretend  v. 假装   pretend that / to do 例如: She pretended she didnt know me/pretended not to know me when we met in the street. 我在街上见到她时她装作不认识我。 * * Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. Self check Practice It’s true that some ads can be very _____ (use). To start with, it was raining, and ______ (rain) days make me sad. _______ (wait) for her made me angry. Hard seats also make customers want to eat ________ (quick) and leave. useful rainy Waiting quickly 5. That make made me annoyed with ______ (my). 句型转换 6. It took him two hours to p



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