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2011 7 23 7 605 : 1005-376X( 2011) 07-0605-03 徐文龙, 李培英, 徐前明, 赵长城, 李锦春, 王菊花 ( 安徽农业大学动物科技学院, 安徽 合肥 230036) 4, PCR Nested-PCR 4 18S rRNAHSP70, , ( 1) 18S rRNA H SP70 ( C. and erson i) AY954887 88. 3% 98. 3% ; ( 2) , AY954892() 4 (C ryp tosp or id ium and erson i) ; ; ; R382. 3 A M olecu lar id en tification of cow-derived Cryp tosp orid ium isolates XU W en-l ng, LI Pei-ying, XU Q ian-m ing, ZHAO Chang-cheng, LI Jin-chun, WANG Ju-hua (C olleg e of A n imal Sc ience and Technology, A nhui A g ricultrual Un iv er sity, H ef e i 230036, Ch ina ) A b stract O bjective T idertify 4 is lates f c w-derived Cryp tosp orid ium and clarify them ain species that cause the infecti n. M ethod F ur C ryp tosp or id ium is lates w ere identified. PCR and N est-PCR w ere applied t amp lify the tar- get genes f 18S rRNA, HSP70 fr m f ur dairy farm; their pr ducts w ere sequenced, and the analysis f h m l gy and es- tablishm ent f their phyl geny tree w ere m ade. Resu lt The h m l gy in 18S rRNA and H SP70 w ere 88. 3% and 98. 3% betw een the f ur Cryp tosp orid ium is lates and C. anderson i( AY954887); theyw ere cl se t AY954892( H enan is lates) in phyl geny. Conc lusion The f u r is lates can be identified as C. anderson i. K ey w ords Cryp to sp or id ium anderson i; C w; Iden tificati n f variety; Phyl genetic analys is ( Crypt sp rid i sis) PCR 18S ( Cryp tosp orid ium ) rRNA HSP70, [ 1] , , , 4 , 1 , 1. 1 隐孢子虫虫株来源 [ 2, 3] , 3, [ 1]


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