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( J Pract S tom atol) 2008 M ay, 24( 3) 397 黎远皋 王继朝 周欣 徐林涛 王洪 : : X , : 222 13 , 5. 85% : , 下颌第一磨牙; 近中三根管; 发现率 C lin ical study of the three m esial root canals of m and ibu lar first m olars LI Yuang ao, WAN G J ichao, ZH OUX in, X U L intao, WAN GH ong. D ep artm ent of Stom ato ogy, P e king University Th ird H osp ita , B eij ing 100083 Ch ina A bstract O bj ective: To investigate t e clin ical incidence of t e t ree m esial root canals of m andibular first m o lars. M e thods: Incidence and m orp ology of t e t reem esial root canals ofm and ibu lar firstm olarsw ere determ ined by probing t e fissure or grooves bewt een t e m esiobuccal and m esiolingual root canal orifices and Xray analysis. R esu lts: O f t e 222 m and ibu lar first molars, 13 of t em olars ad t ree mes ial root canals. T e incidence rate w as 5. 85 % . Conc lu sion: A lt oug t e incidence rate of t e t reem esial root canals ofmand ibular firstm olarswas very low, t e dental operativem icroscope was elpful for t e d iagnos is. Key word s M andibu ar f irst m o ars; Three m es ia root cana s; Inc idence 中图分类号: R781. 05 文 标识码: A 文章编号: 2008) : ( 1); ( 2) - , ; ( 3) , ; ( 4) 18; ( 5) [ 1] , 1. 2 主要器械 , ( DG16 M aillerfer/Ddntsp ly, Sw iss); (H ero 642); (M 300 [ 2] , Leica ); ( RootZX ); , 8#10# K 1. 3 治疗步骤 X 1 , , , 1. 1 病例资料 , 200602~ 200702 , 222 , 1 , , 2%


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