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5 1 4 V ol. 5 1 N o. 4
2009 8 TURB INE TECHNOLOGY A ug. 2009
李 勇, 聂玉火
(东北电力大学能源与机械工程学院, 吉林 132012)
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: TK267 : A : 100 15 884 ( 2009)
Th erm al S tress Analysis of S team Turb ine R otor beh ind th e
G overn ing Stage in D ifferen t G overn ing M odes
L I Y ong, N IE Y uhuo
( Schoo l o Energy R esources and M echanica l Eng ineering, N o rtheast D ianliU n iversity, J ilin 1320 12, Ch ina)
A bstrac t: A t present, there are still som e mi po rted steam turbines tha t are orig inal designed to operate in thro ttling gove r
n ing, w h ich lead to the low e ic iency o steam turb ine at part load. In o rder to enhance econom ica l per o rmance o steam
turbine, it has to be turned into nozzle govern ing. In this paper, irstly, the chang ing o temperature beh ind the govern ing
stage in di erent governing modes are ana ly zed, then tem pera ture ield and therm a l stress ie ld o the roto r beh ind the gov
e rning stage in di erent steam d istr ibu tion m odes are calculated. F ina lly, the determ in ing m ethod o the v ariab le load ve loc
ity is show ed w hen the contro lling m ode is changed rom throttle to nozzle.
K ey w ord s: steam turb ine; govern in g m odes; govern in g stage; th erm a l stress
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