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2011 9 2011 No9 Science and TechnologyM anagem ent Research : 1000- 7695 ( 2011) 09- 0156- 06 专利质量问题及其应对策略研究 袁晓东, 刘珍兰 (华中科技大学管理学院, 湖北武汉 4 0074) : 通过分析当前专利质量问题的表现及成因, 为专利质量问题的实质是, 大量的问题专利的存在导致大 量的专利效力不确定及其引发的有关问题因此, 提高专利质量解决专利质量问题就是减少不当授权, 减少 专利效力的不确定性无效宣告法院诉讼等事后解决专利效力的方式并不十分有效, 而决定专利效力的关键 环节 专利审查才是解决问题的根本所在因此, 应进一步加大审查投入, 克服专利审查中信息不足和对专 利申请人的申请行为进行有效规制 : 专利质量; 问题专利; 信息不足; 公众专利评审 : D92 42 : A Paten t Quality P rob lem s and Cop ing S trategies YUAN X iaodong, LIU Zhen lan ( SchoolO fM anagem ent of Huazhong Univers ity of Science and Technology, Wuhan 4 0074, Ch ina) A bstrac t: By analyzing the performance and causes of the current patent quality problem s, the essence of the issue of pa tent quality is that the presence of a large number of questionab le patents resu lted in substantial uncertainty of patent valid i ty. Therefore, mi proving patent quality and soling the prob lem of paten t quality are to reduce the mi proper licens ing and re ducing the uncertainty of patent validity. Invalidation and the court litigation after the effectivew ay to resolve the paten t va lidity are not very effective. H ow ever, as the key that determ ine the patent validity, patent exam ination can solve the root of the prob lem. Therefore, the patent review shou ld be to further increase investm ent, to overcom e the lack of inform ation in the patent exam ination and act on app lications for patent app licants to regulate effectively. K ey w ord s: patent quality; questionable patent; inform ation deficit; comm un ity patent review , , 1 , , 11 专利质量与问题专利


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