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(河南宏力医院口腔颌面外科,河南 新乡 453400)
The positive effects of protectively dissecting the marginal mandibular branch in submandibular operation approach
PENG Bu-qiang GAO Zhen-jie SHEN Lu-lu CHEN Xian-li
(Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, the Honliv Hospital of Henan ,Xinxiang 453400,Henan Province,China)
[Abstract]Objective: To discuss the way of exposing marginal mandibular branch in operations via submandibular approach,and to supply a safetyreliable and effective ideal and method for clinical operations. Methods: 45 patients with mandibular (27 cases)or submandibular area diseases (18 cases)which contain traumatic 、neoplastic、cystic and infectious diseases were choosed,whose operations were all carried out via submandibular approach with protectively dissecting the marginal mandibular branch.Results: Only two patients with tuberculous lymphnoditis was found the marginal mandibular branch was injured during the operation and with a mild functional disorder,which finally recovered in 3 months .Conclusion: Protectively dissecting the marginal mandibular branch in submandibular approach can effectively prevent facial nerve injuries,especially for operations at the subcondylar、ramus、angle and body of the mandible.However, compared with the traditional methods,the superiority is unconspicuous during the simple resection of the sunmandibular gland.Both good knowledge of topographic anatomy and standard procedure play a important role in preventing the injury of the marginal mandibular branch .
[Keyword]submandibular approach;mandible;facial nerve;protective dissection
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