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Exp ert A naly sis 专家分析 全球油气生产西移与消费 东移的趋势及其影响 龚金双,单卫国,钱兴坤 (中油集团经济技术研究院,北京 100724) 摘要:因技术进步和高油价,非常规资源正在成为战略接替,西半球油气供应在全球的地位越 来越重要,将从净进口变为净出口;发展中国家油气消费进入快速增长期,世界油气需求重心由 西向东转移,亚太地区成为世界最大油气消费地区。这些将改变世界油气市场和地缘政治格局,改 变世界竞争形势,对中国既是机遇更多的是挑战。要坚持立足国内、增源与节流并举,坚持科学 替代和技术创新,坚持增强全球供应能力,坚持参与全球能源治理。 关键词:全球;油气;格局;影响;措施 中图分类号:F4 16.22 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-2355(20 13)02-0005-06 doi :10.3969/j .issn .1003-2355.20 13.02.00 1 Abstr act : Du e to technological progress and high crude prices, unconv entional oil and gas resour ces are b ecoming strategic replacem ent to conventional oil and gas resources. Te western hemisphere is playing a more imp ortant role in glob e oil and gas supply and will becom e a net exp ort region . Developing countries are entering a p eriod of accelerated growth of oil and gas demand. The gravity of world of oil and gas demand is shifting from the West to the East , and Asia Pacific has b ecome the biggest region of oil and gas demand . All of those above- m entioned are changing the structure of glob al oil and gas market and the geop olitics situation and comp etition statu s, providing China more challenges than opportunities. China should increase dom estic supply, promote en- ergy saving, supp ort technological innovation , develop alternative energy , increase the ability to acquire glob al oil and gas and p articipate in glob al energy governance . Key words : Global ; Oil Gas; Pattern ; Imp act ; Measures 进入新世纪以来,随着非常规油气勘探开发技 内频繁使用,但尚未形成较明确、严格的定义。“油 术取得重大突破,西半球 (美洲)在世界油气生产 气生产西移、消费东移”代表了世界油气供需格局 中的地位越来越重要。与此同时,随着中国及印度 的变化趋势,但二者在程度上存在差别。 等新兴经济体的发展加快,亚太地区已成为世界最 “油气生产西移”目前只是一种苗头和趋势。截 重要的油气消费地区。业内有专家将其形象地比喻 至2011年底,西半球石油剩余探明储量仅占全球的 为 “油气生产西移,消


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