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10 节水灌溉 ·2011 年第1 期 :1007-4929(2011)01-0010-04 华北地区暴雪覆盖与土壤墒情关系初探 卢 路, 刘家宏,叶 睿, 李 玮,秦大庸 (, 100038)    :研究土壤冬季储水量对整 个冬季土壤墒情尤为重要, 可 预测解冻后土壤墒情变化为3 月中旬华北地区 开展农田灌溉提供理论依据。利用华北地区2009 年 11 月的一次强降雪气象资料、2002-2008 年多年平均同期降水 资料和土壤墒情实测的面尺度资料, 对降雪量、降雪时间和土壤含水量 及相互影响关系进行了分析。研究结果表 明:积雪覆盖对土壤含水量有显著影响。和同等水量的降雨相比, 冻融土壤平均含水量高出多年平均土壤含水量 10% 上;积雪覆盖导致土壤各层含水量随时间变化波动较为均匀, 使土壤水分下渗延时效应明显;积雪覆盖有利于 维持土壤含水量的稳定, 同时使土壤含水量有增加的趋势。   :暴雪;土壤含水量;华北地区;面尺度   :P343.8  :A Preliminary Study onRelationshipbetweenSnowCoversandSoilMoisture inNorthChina LULu, LIUJia-hong, YERui, LI ei, QINDa-yong (Department of W ater Resources, China Institute of Water resources and H dropower Research, Beijing 100038, China) Abstract:It is especiall important to understand the w inter water storage capacit of slope to stud the soil moisture of the w hole winter, because it can be used to predict the change of soil moisture after def rosting, w hich can provide a theoretical basis for irriga- tion in mid-March in northern China.The interactive relationship among snow fall, snow and soil moisture is anal zed based on the snow storm data in northern China in November 2009, 2002-2008 multi-ear average precipitation date and the same period of the sur- face scale soil moisture data in this paper.The results show that the snow storm on the soil has significant im pact on moisture con- tent.Compared w ith the rainfall of the same quantit , the moisture content of f reeze-thawing soil is at least 10%higher than that of average ears;snow cover leads to an even fluctuation of each soil moisture with time variation, and soil freezing and thawing causes the f requent change of soil w ater and then an obvious dela effect of soil moisture;sn


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