
Module 4 第4课时.ppt

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1.present 1)n. 礼物,赠品 I have a present for you. 我有一份礼物送给你。 2)adj. 在场的;出席的;现存的;当前的 ①A lot of diseases are present in the water. 水中有许多病菌。 ②Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertisement. 出席会议的还有广告的策划者。 注意:present作定语时,如果表示“出席的,到场的”之意须置于所修饰词的后面。如:all the students present所有在场的学生。 3)vt.呈献;赠送;提供,提出 ①The committee is presenting its report next week. 该委员会将于下周提出报告。 ②He presented a silver cup to the winner/presented the winner with a silver cup. 他把银杯颁发给获胜者。 词语辨析 present, at present,presently 1)present现在的;当今的;出席的 Whats your present address? 你现在的住址是哪里? 2)at present 现在;当今 We are busy at present. 我们现在很忙。 3)presently 不久,马上 He will be back presently. 他不久将回家。 即学即用 All the people ________at the party were his supporters. A.present        B.thankful C.interested D.important 答案:A 2.record 1)vt. ①记载;记录 The monitor recorded everything that was said at the meeting. 班长把会议上讲的东西都记录了下来。 ②录音;录(像) The singer has recorded quite a few popular songs. 这位歌手录制了很多流行歌曲。 ③标明 The temperature recorded 18℃ in the room. 屋子里的温度显示是18℃。 2)n. ①记录;记载 on record 记录在案的,record film 纪录片 Keep a record of how much money she spends. 记录一下她花费了多少钱。 ②录音,唱片 play a record 放唱片,make a record 录制唱片 The record of the singer sells well. 这位歌手的唱片卖得很好。 ③履历;档案 a personal-history record 个人履历 The doctor examined the patients record. 这位医生检查了一下病人的病历。 ④(体育或其他活动)最佳成绩;最佳记录 She set a new record in womens high jump. 她在女子跳高中创造了新记录。 知识拓展 break/beat/cut the record 打破记录 equal/hold the record 平/保持记录 keep a record of 保持……的记录 set up the world record 创世界记录 establish a new record 创造一项新记录 即学即用 翻译句子 他创造了世界记录。 ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:He set up/established the world record. 3.cover vt. 1)涉及,包含(相当于deal with, include) Now that weve covered everything of importance, lets end our meeting. 既然重要的事情都谈完了,我们散会吧。 2)盖;铺;遮盖(常与with搭配) ①She covered her face with her hands. 她用双手蒙住脸。 ②Pull your skirt down and cover your knees. 把你的裙子拉下一点,遮住你的膝盖。 3)走完(一段路);看完(多少页)(通常不用被动语态) ①He covered the distan


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