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中文摘要 本文主要以笔者自身的学习经验和其他学者的研究成果为基础, 综合应用文献资料搜集、整理与整合法,进一步诠释唢呐的发展史, 并在唢呐记谱法的演变与改革这一章节中提出了新的观点。 全文共分为三个部分。绪论部分简单介绍了唢呐的历史源流和在 我国的发展情况。第一章主要写了我国唢呐艺人的生活状态、艺人们 的技艺是如何传承的、唢呐传统曲目的来源及唢呐演奏技法的历史演 变四个方面来阐述唢呐的传承。第二章主要通过写唢呐乐器本身的改 革、专业人才的培养及唢呐音乐的发展、唢呐记谱法的演变和改革以 及笔者对唢呐未来发展的展望等四个方面来说明唢呐正在走向专业 化、系统化的发展之路。 唢呐在我国经历了几百年的发展变化,已经深深扎根于人民的生 活当中。尤其是建国后,唢呐事业呈现了一片繁荣之景象,新作品和 青年演奏家层出不穷,为我国唢呐事业的发展起了重要的推动作用。 唢呐在未来的发展道路上,正确处理好传承和发展的辩证关系,一定 会稳步前进,走出一条具有自己特色的科学发展之路。 关键词:唢呐 传承 发展 记谱法 Abstract In this paper, the authors own learning experiences, and other research results based on the integrated application of literature data collection, collation and integration of law, further interpretation of the history of the development suona, and the notation in the evolution of the suona and reform proposed in this section a new point of view. Paper is divided into three parts. Introduction section briefly describes the origins and history of the suona developments in China. The first chapter was the living conditions of suona artists, artists of how the art heritage, suona traditional repertoire and playing techniques from the historical evolution of four aspects suona heritage. The second chapter by writing to the reform of the instrument itself suona, the training and professional development of music suona suona notation of the evolution and reform, and the author of the suona prospects for future development in four areas to illustrate the suona is moving towards specialization, systematic development. Suona in our country has experienced several hundred years of development and change, has been deeply rooted in peoples lives. Especially after the founding, suona business presents a scene of prosperity, an endless stream of new works and young perform



