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浅谈我国职业教育立法的完善——对从法律层面构建职业教育运行环境的思考 中文提要 中文提要 知识经济时代的竞争是人才的竞争,知识型企业需要各种类型的人才,从面 向未来的大学毕业生,到面向现实的职校毕业生,都是经济发展需要的知识化人 才。而不同的人才需要不同的培养途径,培养“能工巧匠”的职业教育在知识经 济条件下获得了前所未有的发展机遇与挑战。就是在这样的形势下,我国的职业 教育发展明显力不从心,我国的高级“蓝领”工人严重短缺,职业教育呈现着与 国际经济形势不相符合的态势。本文试从知识经济对人力资源提出的新要求入手, 分析我国职业教育的现状及制约其发展的因素,在解析我国职业教育立法存在问 题的基础上,着眼于从法律层面构建职业教育的良好运行环境,以发达国家职业 教育立法为借鉴,思考如何建立我国的职业教育法律法规体系。 关键词:知识经济,职业教育,立法,职业教育法律法规体系 作 者:陆 秦 指导教师:殷爱荪 I 英文摘要 浅谈我国职业教育立法的完善——对从法律层面构建职业教育运行环境的思考 Discussion on Improving the Legislation of Vocational Education in China —Thinking of Building the Operating Environment of Vocational Education from a Legal Level Abstract Competition in the knowledge economy time is the competition of talents, knowledge enterprises need different kinds of talents, from the college graduates facing the future, to the vocational school students facing the reality, they are all intellectuals demanded by economic development. Different talents require different training approaches. Focusing on bringing up “handyman”, vocational eduction has got the developing chances and challenges they never met before in the knowledge economy condition. In such a situation, chinese vocational education has got difficulties to develop itself. In China, we seriously lack in senior blue-collar workers, which is a state the vocational eduction reveals, which doesn’t accord with the international economic situation. In this essay, we try to analyze the present situation of chinese vocatio



