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摘 要 和谐社会的构建是当前我国社会的主旋律,传媒是时代发展的记录者和推动者,传 媒勇于承担社会责任是构建和谐社会的充分条件。随着传媒市场化和社会主义和谐社会 进程的推进,很多新问题随之出现。因此,我们应该重新审视我国传媒所应当承担的社 会责任,本选题成为理论界研究的重要课题,更是传媒组织及相关部门一直强调的关键。 本文第一部分首先对相关概念进行阐释,其次通过学习学界对传媒社会责任的研究 成果,分析了在构建和谐社会的大背景下传媒应当承担信息传播、舆论监督、道德守望 等社会责任。第二部分结合具体案例,指出我国传媒在承担社会责任的过程中存在媒体 失语时有发生、监督权利无形扩张、“四大公害”屡禁不止等问题,并从经济、社会、 法律及传媒自身等各个方面进行了具体的分析。第三部分是具体实践的难点,因而成为 本文研究的重点。该部分针对我国传媒承担社会责任过程中出现的问题提出对策,指出 马克思主义新闻观是传媒应坚持的基本原则,完善传媒监管是外在的必要保障,强化传 媒自律是内在的根本措施。 本文的研究使人看到了我国传媒社会责任现状的不容乐观,传媒要符合社会主义和 谐社会的要求,还需进行多方面的深入的改进,本文对此有一定的指导意义,但尚显简 陋粗浅,期待学界的深入研究和业界的躬身实践。 关键词:和谐社会;传媒社会责任;缺失;成因;实现 I Abstract The constructing of harmonious society is the current theme of China. The media, which is the recorder and promoter of the development of times, should undertake the social responsibility for our construction of harmonious society. With the media market and the promotion of a socialist harmonious society, some new questions impress our sight. Therefore, we should re-examine the social responsibility which the media should undertake. This topic becomes theorists of the important issues of the theorists, at the same time, it also attracts the media organizations and related departments’ attention.The first part of this article explains some relevant concepts, followed by learning the academic social responsibility of media research, and analyzes the media should undertake the social responsibility of information dissemination, public opinion ,ethics watch, and so on. In the second, the author takes some specific cases as examples, indicates that in the process of undertaking social responsibilities, there are some problems in the media, such as media aphasia, the intangible of expansion of the supervision r


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