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埃及习俗礼仪-社交礼仪 握手礼禁忌是不要用左手 拥抱礼力度适中 亲吻礼根据交往对象不同分为: 吻面礼,一般用于亲友之间,尤其是女性之间。 吻手礼,向尊长表示谢意或是向恩人致谢时使用。 飞吻礼,多见于情侣之间。 埃及习俗礼仪-服饰礼仪 在大中城市埃及人的打扮已于国际接规,但是,老年人着装较为保守,奇装异服埃及人通常不问津。    注意如果送礼品给埃及朋友一定记住,图案千万不要是星星、猪、狗、猫及熊猫的图案,因为有悖民族习俗。 埃及习俗礼仪-餐饮礼仪 埃及人爱吃羊肉、鸡肉、鸭肉、土豆、豌豆、南瓜、洋葱、茄子和胡萝卜。他们习惯用自制的甜点招待客人,客人若是谢绝一点也不吃,会让主人失望也失敬于人。 埃及习俗礼仪-习俗禁忌    国花:莲花 国兽:猫 国石:橄榄石 喜欢的颜色:绿色和白色 讨厌的颜色:黑色、蓝色 喜欢的数字:5、7 其他:喜欢葱认为它代表真理;忌讳针,是骂人的话;要会给小费,否则寸步难行;与人交谈注意:男士不要主动与妇女攀谈;不要夸人身材苗条;不要称道埃及人家中的物品,人家会以为你是索要此物;不要与埃及谈论宗教纠纷,中东政局及男女关系。 * * Reason for ethnocentric ideas All cultures have the tendency to use the categories of one’s own culture to evaluate the actions of others. * * Negative Impact of Ethnocentrism If people believe that their culture is the only true culture, they will discriminate against people who manifest cultural norms that fail to correspond to their values and behaviors. * * Stereotypes Definition Stereotypes are a form of generalization about some group of people, or a means of organizing images into fixed and simple categories that are used to stand for the entire collection of people. (Walter Lippmann) Reasons Human beings have a psychological need to categorize and classify. * * Group Work: Stereotyping them College professors Teenagers Bankers People from Northern China Fat people Millionaire Mother American old people * * Positive or negative? Stereotype a culture as being very efficient Stereotype a culture as being very rigid and inflexible in their business relationships * * Why are they barriers ? Stereotypes fail to specify individual characteristics. They assume that all members of a group have exactly the same traits. They are oversimplified, over generalized, and/ or exaggerated. They are based on half-truths, distortions, and often untrue premises; but often taken as “truth”. * * As a result Stereotype inaccuracy can lead to errors in interpretations about the behaviors of others. It can also lead to errors in interpretations about th



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