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信阳师范学院学报 : 自然科学版 Journal of X inyang Norm al U n iversity 第 22 卷  第 2 期  2009年 4 月 N atural Science Edition Vo l. 22 No. 2 Ap r. 2009 DO I: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 2009. 02. 032 微波辅助提取贡菊中黄酮类化合物的工艺研究 马  稳 ,张秀兰 (信阳师范学院 化学化工学院 ,河南 信阳 464000) 摘  要 : 以黄酮类化合物的提取含量为评价指标 ,采用微波辅助提取法 ,通过正交试验研究微波辐射时间、 微波功率 、乙醇浓度及其料液比等因素对提取率的影响. 结果表明:提取黄酮类化合物最佳工艺条件为 : 70%乙 醇做溶剂 ,辐射功率 480 W ,料液比 1 g ∶75 mL ,辐射时间 20 s/次 ×6次. 该工艺简单 、提取时间短 、提取率高. 关键词 :微波提取 ;贡菊 ;黄酮类化合物 中图分类号 : O657. 36 ; R284. 2  文献标志码 : A   文章编号 : (2009) 02 028103 The Technology of Extracting F lavono ids from Chry san them um M or ifolium Ram a t by M icrowavea ssisted M A W en , ZHA NG X iulan (College of Chem istry and Chem ical Engineering, X inyang Norm al U n iversty, X inyang 464000, Ch ina) A b stract: The extraction con ten t of total flavone s was a s the evaluating index. The effect of radiation tim e, power of m icrowave oven, ethano l concen tration and solid / liqu id ratio ( g/mL ) on the extraction yield were inve stigated by or thogonal de sign m ethod and u ltra son ic extraction technology. The re su lts of tests showed that the op timum m icrowave - a ssisted extraction condition s included: ethano l concen tration of 70% , radiation tim e of 20 second s at a tim e and re p eated for six tim e s, the power of m icrowave of 480 W , so lid / liqu id ratio of 1 g ∶75 mL. Comp ared w ith traditional ex traction m ethod, th is m ethod ha s the advantage of simp le p rocedu re and h igh extraction yield. Key word s:m icroware extract


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