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第 2 卷 第 8 期 智 能 电 网 Vol. 2 No. 8 2014 年 8 月 Smart Grid Aug. 2014 文章编号:2095-5944 (2014) 08-0052-05 中图分类号:TM 933 文献标志码:A 国家电网公司计量现场手持设备 技术规范问题解读 李保丰,刘鹰,翟峰,吕英杰,曹永峰 ( 中国电力科学研究院计量研究所,北京市 海淀区 100192) Problem Interpretation of SGCC Measuring Field Handheld Device Technical Specifications LI Baofeng, LIU Ying, ZHAI Feng, LÜ Yingjie, CAO Yongfeng (Metrology Research Institute, China Electric Power Research Institute, Haidian District, Beijing 100192, China) ABSTRACT: In order to thoroughly implement the management requirements of “group operation, intensive development, lean management and standardized construction” from State Grid Corporation, as well as to promote the standardized construction of marketing measurement, meter reading, and fee collection, State Grid Corporation issued Technical Code for Measuring Field Handheld Device in April 2014. This code sets forth technical conditions that should be met when design a measuring field handheld device, the must-have functions, and the test items and requirements of quality audit etc. Key content of this code will be briefly interpreted. KEY WORDS: measuring field handheld device; enterprise standards; interpretation 摘要:为深入贯彻落实国家电网公司“集团化运作、集约化发展、精益化管理、标准化建设”的管理要求,加快推进营销计 量、抄表、收费标准化建设,国家电网公司 2014 年 4 月发布了《计量现场手持设备技术规范》。通过制定该标准,规范了 设计计量现场手持设备应满足的技术条件、应具备的各项功能以及质量监督所应完成的试验项目和要求等内容。对标准中关 键内容做一个简单的解读。 关键词:计量现场手持设备;企业标准;解读 的颁布实施,规范了国家电网公司计量现场手持设 0 引言 备的设计、制造、检验、使用和验收。本文针对该 随着智能电网建设的逐步推进,在智能电能表 标准的关键内容进行解读。 推广应用过程中[1-4],需要在用户现场对


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