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2005 年 2 月 北 京 航 空航 天 大 学 学 报 February 2005 第 卷 第 期 31 2 JournaI of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics VoI . 31 No .2 地中式混凝土油罐的数值模拟 黄达海 尤旭升 (北京航空航天大学 土木工程系,北京 100083 ) 摘 要:对正在开展的战略石油储备,提出用地中预应力混凝土罐进行石 油储存 应用结构分析软件 对巨型混凝土单壁罐和双壁罐进行弹性分析,指 . ANSYS 出罐壁环向应力几乎全部由温度荷载造成,罐壁温度场和温度应力具有明显时间性, 储油初期罐壁温差最大, 后罐壁顶部拉应力达到最大;设置中间保温层后,内罐 96 h 应力减小,外罐应力增大,应对内、外罐连接支墩做特殊设计,以满足罐壁温度变形. 关 键 词:数值分析;温度应力;战略石油储备;石油储罐 中图分类号: TU 354 文献标识码: 文 章编 号: ( ) A 1001-5965 2005 02-0187-05 Numerical analysis for underground concrete oil tank Huang Dahai You Xusheng ( , , , ) Dept . of CiviI Engineering Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100083 China : , ( ) , ( ) Abstract A new vesseI the prestressed concrete PRC oiI tank for the strategic petroIeum reserve SPR was represented . With the appIication of structure anaIysis software ANSYS,the distribution of the temperature and stress in the side waII of the oiI tank was given, , in which the stress is caused by the temperature and the temperature , and temperature stress changes with the time and the maximum temperature stress happens at the top of the side waII at the earIy time of the oiI storage . When


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