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闫军宁等:载金炭微观研究 赵由才,牛冬杰.湿法冶金污染控制技术[M ].北京:冶金工 [9 ]黄镇,马正飞,刘晓勤,等.活性炭孔结构的混合碱改性[J ]. [7 ] 业出版社,2003. 南京工业大学学报(自然科学版),2012 ,34(3 ):51-55. [8 ]程伟,张覃,马文强.活性炭对浮选废水中黄药的吸附特性 [10]陈淑萍,伍赠玲.高铜载金炭脱铜试验研究[J ]. 黄金,2011 , 研究[ 32(1):47-49. J ].矿物学报,2010 ,30(2 ):262-267. Study on Microcosmic of Gold Loaded Active Carbon YAN Junning1 ,2 ,WANG Junrong2 ,LIN Guoliang1 1.College of Zijin Mining of Fuzhou University ,Fuzhou 350108 ,Fujian ,China ; 2.State Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Utilization of Low-Grade Refractory Gold Ores ,Zijin Mining Group Co. , Ltd. ,Shanghang 364200 ,Fujian ,China Abstract: Having been repeated used in carbon -in -leach plant ,the actived carbon ’s activity decreased significantly ,to find out the cause ,author study on gold loaded actived carbon microstructure by optical microscope ,SEM and other means.The microscopic study shows that lots of calcite exists in the carbon surface ,the surface and near surface pores,and the content of calcite has a decreasing trend from the outside to the inside ,and the copper adsorption mainly happened in carbon empty pores and non pore.The biggest factor that affecting the activated carbon ’s iodine value is the calcium content ,followed by copper content.According to the activated carbon adsorption and desorption principle ,and the study on gold loaded actived carbon ,the authors proposed the methods to improve the properties of active carbon. Key words: gold loaded active carbon ;calcite ;adsorption ;resolution !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 埃尔拉多黄金公司探获高品位金资源 紫金矿业和招金矿业入选纽交所黄金类股票指数 近日, 加拿大埃尔拉多黄金公司首席执行官保罗· 纽约泛欧证交所 NYSE Euronext 宣布,纽交所黄 赖特向外界透露,2013 年上半年,该公司在中国、罗马 金类股票指数新增非美国上市金矿企业, 包括国际 尼亚、巴西和希


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