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第 卷 第 期 测 绘 学 报 , 31 1 VoI . 31 No . 1 年 月 , 2002 2 ACT A GEODAET ICA et CART OGRAPHICA SINICA Feb . 2002 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 文章编号: ( ) 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 100 1- 1595 2002 0 1-0082-05 P208 A 2 维空间数据最小凸包生成算法优化 王杰臣 (南京大学 城市与资源学系,江苏 南京2 10093 ) Study of 0ptimizing Method for Algorithm of Minimum Convex Closure Building for 2D Spatial Data WA N G Jie-chen ( , , , ) De ar t ment O Urban and ResOurces Science Nan in Uniuersit Nan in 2 10093 China p f g y g Abstract: , T he minimum convex cIosure is one of the wideIy studied probIems in science of computing geometry as weII as extensiveI a Iied in man fieIds of GIS . One of the commonI used aI orithm for buiIdin minimum convex y pp y y g g cIosure has been discussed in this a er . In order to increase o eration s eed, p p p p the author put forward an improved , method based on rou in data com utin and removin useIess oints and anaI zed the reIationshi s bet ween aI o- g p g p g g


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