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第34 卷 第4 期 河 南 科 技 学 院学报 (自然科学版) 2006 年12 月 VoI. 34 No. 4 JournaI of Henan Institute of Science and TechnoIogy Dec. 2006 92r137 抗条锈病基因推导和SSr 标记 井长勤,丰慧根,刘涌涛 (新乡医学院生命科学技术系,河南 新乡453003 ) 摘要: 利用抗病品种是防治小麦条锈病最好的途径。采用基因推导的方法,根据对 13 个具有不同毒性基因组合 的条锈菌系的反应,在已知的19 个抗条锈基因中,推导92r137 含有Yr26 ,陕160 不含任何已经的抗条锈基因。构 建陕160 X 92r137 的F2 群体,进行抗病性鉴定和SSr 标记。抗病、感病比例符合孟德尔一个基因3 :1 的分离比。 在I9 对SSr 引物中,XgwmI8 在抗病池扩增出双亲的标记带,而在感病池中不能扩增出抗病亲本的标记带,仅扩增 出感病亲本的标记带,通过在F2 单株的验证,确定抗亲的标记条带就是Yr26 基因的分子标记。 关键词:92r137 ;小麦条锈病;基因推导;SSr 标记 中图分类号:S512 . 330 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-6060 (2006 )04 -0005-03 The Postulation and SSR Marker of Yellow Rust Resistant Genes in 92Ri 37 JING Chang-gin ,et al. (Life Science and Technigue Department Xinxiang MedicaI CoIIege ,Xinxiang ,453003 ,China ) Abstract : The best way to controI wheat yeIIow rust is to breed and use resistant cuItivars. TriaIs were conducted to postu- Iate yeIIow rust resistant genes (Yr genes )in 92r137 and ShaII 160 . Thirteen isoIates of Puccinia striiforrns f. sp. tritici , which had previousIy been characterized for aviruIence/ viruIenee gene combination and I9 known Yr genes were used for postuIation. resuIts showed that 92r137 resistant to aII the 13 isoIates was postuIated with Yr26 ,whiIe Shan 160 no Yr genes at aIi. After the individuaIs of F2 segregation popuIation of shan160 X 92r137 were obtained ,their yeIIow rust resist- ance was identified. The segregation ratio fit 3 :1. By SSr anaIysis with 19 pairs of primers ,one pair of primers Xgwm 18 ampIified specific bands of resistant parent and susceptive parent in r


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