Ad hoc网络中一种最小功耗路由算法.pdf

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Ad hoc网络中一种最小功耗路由算法.pdf

第26 卷第8 期 计算机应用 ol. 26 No. 8 2006 年8 月 Computer Applications Aug. 2006 文章编号:1001 - 9081(2006 )08 - 1785 - 03 Ad hoc 网络中一种最小功耗路由算法 1,2 2 2 2 刘传清 ,胡修林 ,尹 明 ,周先军 (1. 襄樊学院物理系,湖北 襄樊44 1053 ; 2 . 华中科技大学 电子与信息工程系,湖北 武汉430074 ) ( liucg_xf@ 163. com) 摘 要:Ad hoc 网络中,节点能量及其消耗率影响网络的稳定性和整个网络的生命周期。提出 了一个最小功耗的高效路由算法MPDR ,综合考虑了移动节点能量及其传输能量消耗率,以提高整个 网络的生命周期,保证提供可靠OoS 服务。仿真结果表明提出的算法与已有的能量路由算法相比, 具有最长网络生命周期。 Ad hoc 网络;能量消耗率;生命周期;路由 关键词: 中图分类号:TP393. 03 文献标识码:A Minimum power drain rate routing algorithm for Ad hoc networks 1, 2 2 2 2 LIU Chuan-ging , HU Xiu-lin , YIN Ming , ZHOU Xian-jun (1. Dep artment of Physics, Xiangf an Uni1ersity , Xiangf an Hubei 44 1053, China ; 2. The Electronics and Inf ormation Dep artment, Huazhong Uni1ersity of Science and Technology, Wuhan Hubei 430074, China ) Abstract: In Ad hoc networks, the energy and drain rate of mobile node can influence the networks lifetime and stability. An routing algorithm with high efficiency named Minimum Power Drain Rate ( MPDR) was proposed. This routing algorithm takes both mobile node residual energy and power drain rate into account, so that it could expand networks lifetime and support OoS. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm



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