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题 目:基于模糊控制的交通灯控制系统(单片机实现) 基于模糊控制的交通灯控制系统(单片机实现) 摘 要 交通控制系统不仅是一个实时的控制系统,而且是一个具有随机性、非线性、不确定性的复杂系统。解决好公路交通信号灯控制问题将是保障交通有序、安全、快速运行的重要环节,现有的交通信号控制系统都是单一的固定时序控制,不能够根据实际交通状况进行调节控制。本设计运用两输入单输出的模糊控制模型,对被控对象的输入量及输出量进行了具体的模糊化,并根据模糊集合理论的计算结果得出了模糊控制表,并在此基础上提出了以单片机实现模糊控制器的硬件结构和程序流程。本系统采用单片机89C52为中心器件来设计交通灯控制器,系统最大的优点就是能够很好的减少车辆的滞留量,提高了公路的通行效率。系统实用性强、操作简单、扩展性强。关键词:;模糊控制;灯控制Based on fuzzy control of traffic light control system(with MCU) Abstract Traffic control system is not only a real-time control system, but also a randomness, misalignment, uncertainty ,complex system. Solving the problem of road traffic lights control is an important part which will ensure the traffic orderly, safe, and keep it fast, the existing traffic signal control systems are single and fixed timing control, not based on actual traffic conditions to control. The design uses the fuzzy control model with two-input ports and single-output ports. The input value and output value of controlled plant has been carried on the concrete fuzzy. The fuzzy control table is based on the results of the calculation of fuzzy set theory. The design give out hardware structure and program flow of a fuzzy controller which is realized by single-chip. The system uses a single-chip STC89C52 device as the center to design the traffic light controller and applies ultrasonic sensors to detect the traffic flow which is given to the single-chip. Through inquering fuzzy control table, we can obtain the time of the delay, and then control traffic lights. The biggest advantages of the system is that it can greatly reduce the stranded vehicles and improve the efficiency of highway travel. The system is practical and simple. Key words: microcomputer; fuzzy control; traffic light control 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 引言 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 目的及意义 2 1.2.1 研究的目的 2 1.2.2 研究的意义 2 第二章 总体设计的概述 4 2.1 车辆检测传感器 4 2.1.1 感应线圈检测传感器 4 2.1.2 超声波检测传感器 4 2.1.3 微波检测传感器 5 2.1.4 红外线检测传感器 6 2.1.5 视频检测传感器 7 2.2 控制算法 7 2.3交通灯控制系统的设计方案 8 2.3.1 用PLC实现控制系统的方案 8 2



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