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Circuit variables and circuit elements
Electrical and computer engineering are exciting and challenging professions for anyone who has a genuine interest in, and aptitude for, applied science and mathematics. Over the past century and a half, electrical and computer engineers have played dominant role in the development of systems that have changed the way people live and work. Satellite communication links, telephone, digital computers, televisions, diagnostic and surgical medical equipment, assembly-line robots, and electrical power tools are representative components of systems that define a modern technological society. As an electrical or computer engineer, you can participate in this ongoing technological revolution by improving and refining there exciting systems and by discovering and developing new systems to meet the needs of our eve-changing society.
We begin our study with an overview of circuit. This followed by an introduction to the concept of voltage, current, the basic circuit elements, power, and energy. Next we introduce both independent and dependent voltage and current sources. We conclude this introductory chapter with a discussion of electrical resistance, ohm law, and kirchhoff’s laws.
1.1 circuit analysis: an overview
Before becoming involved in the details of circuit analysis, we need to take a broad look at engineering design, specifically the design of electric circuit. The purpose of this overview provides you with a perspective on where circuit analysis fits within the whole of circuit design. Even though this book focuses on circuit analysis we try to provide opportunities for circuit design where appropriate.
All engineering design with a need, as shown in fig.1.1.this need may come from the desire to improve on an existing design, or it may be something brand-new. A careful assessment of the need results in design specification, which are measurable characteristics of a proposed design. Once a design i
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