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翻译部分 英文原文 High Productivity —A Question of Shearer Loader Cutting Sequences K. Nienhaus, A. K. Bayer H. Haut, Aachen University of Technology, GER 1 Abstract Recently, the focus in underground longwall coal mining has been on increasing the installed motor power of shearer loaders and armoured face conveyors (AFC), more sophisticated support control systems and longer face length, in order to reduce costs and achieve higher productivity. These efforts have resulted in higher output and previously unseen face advance rates. The trend towards “bigger and better” equipment and layout schemes, however, is rapidly nearing the limitations of technical and economical feasibility. To realise further productivity increases, organisational changes of longwall mining procedures looks like the only reasonable answer. The benefits of opti-mised shearer loader cutting sequences, leading to better performance, are discussed in this paper. 2 Introductions Traditionally, in underground longwall mining operations, shearer loaders produce coal using either one of the following cutting sequences: uni-directional or bi-directional cycles. Besides these pre-dominant methods, alternative mining cycles have also been developed and successfully applied in underground hard coal mines all over the world. The half-web cutting cycle as e.g. utilized in RAG Coal International’s Twentymile Mine in Colorado, USA, and the “Opti-Cycle” of Matla’s South African shortwall operation must be mentioned in this context. Other mines have also tested similar but modified cutting cycles resulting in improved output, e.g. improvements in terms of productiv-ity increases of up to 40 % are thought possible。 Whereas the mentioned mines are applying the alternative cutting methods according to their spe-cific conditions, –e.g. seam height or equipment used, –this paper looks systematically at the differ-ent methods from a generalised point of view. A detailed description of the mining cycle for each cutting tech



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